I find myself in the situation of having to evaluate some boolean circuits on a lot of inputs. Well, this is what bitvector is supposed to be good at, but it currently accepts a very limited number of hand-coded circuits in bit_map!. So, to evaluate a very shallow circuit, one would try to do:
const _msk64 = ~UInt64(0)
@inline _div64(l) = l >>> 6
@inline _mod64(l) = l & 63
@inline _msk_end(l::Integer) = _msk64 >>> _mod64(-l)
@inline _msk_end(B::BitArray) = _msk_end(length(B))
#wants:@inline @propagate_inbounds
@inline function bad_bit_map!(f::F, dest::BitVector, sources::Vararg{BitVector, N}) where {F,N}
all( Tuple{Bool}(size(dest)==size(source) for source in sources) ) ||
throw(DimensionMismatch("sizes of dest, source in sources must all match"))
(isempty(sources) || size(dest)==0) && return dest
for i in 1:(length(destc)-1)
dest.chunks[i] = f( Tuple(source.chunks[i]::UInt64 for source::BitVector in sources)... )::UInt64
dest.chunks[end] = f( Tuple(source.chunks[end] for source in sources)... ) & _msk_end(dest)
Unfortunately, I failed to get the bad_bitmap typestable. Just for convenience, the paraphrased type-stable code from bitarray.jl:
@inline function std_bit_map!(f::F, dest::BitArray, A::BitArray, B::BitArray) where F
size(A) == size(B) == size(dest) || throw(DimensionMismatch("sizes of dest, A, and B must all match"))
isempty(dest) && return dest
for i = 1:(length(dest.chunks)-1)
dest.chunks[i] = f(A.chunks[i], B.chunks[i])
dest.chunks[end] = f(A.chunks[end], B.chunks[end]) & _msk_end(dest)
So, what is the right way?
As far as I know there is currently no way to type-assert f::(Varargs{Int64, N}-> Int64), which might be needed for type inference?
Or is the problem in the tuple unpacking and repacking? Is there a reasonable allocation-free type-stable way of unpacking Vararg-tuples, doing something with them, repackaging them and calling something? In principle, the compiler should know that the tuple unpacking and repacking can be done on the stack.