I have the following circuit, which is used to estimate the isolation resistance of high-voltage battery packs to the chassis / low-voltage reference. The switch SW is turned on and off, so there are 2 equations, to solve for RisoP and RisoN, and all the other values are known (the voltage Vadc is sensed by a microncontroller for each state of SW).
I want to get the symbolic equation for bith RisoP and RisoN. I can have the answer using SymPy:
using SymPy
Vpack, Vadc_off, Vadc_on, R1, R2, R3, RisoP, RisoN = symbols("Vpack, Vadc_off, Vadc_on, R1, R2, R3, RisoP, RisoN")
# RisoN || (R2+R3)
A = 1/(1/RisoN + 1/(R2+R3))
# RisoP || R1
B = 1/(1/RisoP + 1/R1)
# R3 / (R2+R3)
Vadc_ratio = R3/(R2+R3)
Vchassis_off = Vpack * (A / (RisoP + A))
Vchassis_on = Vpack * (A / (A+B))
eq1 = Vadc_off ~ Vchassis_off * Vadc_ratio
eq2 = Vadc_on ~ Vchassis_on * Vadc_ratio
ret = solve((eq1, eq2), (RisoP, RisoN))
RisoP_hat = ret[1][1]
RisoN_hat = ret[1][2]
R1*R3*Vpack*(Vadc_off - Vadc_on)/(Vadc_off*(R2*Vadc_on + R3*Vadc_on - R3*Vpack))
R1*R3*Vpack*(-R2*Vadc_off + R2*Vadc_on - R3*Vadc_off + R3*Vadc_on)/(R1*R3*Vadc_off*Vpack - R1*R3*Vadc_on*Vpack + R2^2*Vadc_off*Vadc_on + 2*R2*R3*Vadc_off*Vadc_on - R2*R3*Vadc_off*Vpack - R2*R3*Vadc_on*Vpack + R3^2*Vadc_off*Vadc_on - R3^2*Vadc_off*Vpack - R3^2*Vadc_on*Vpack + R3^2*Vpack^2)
As I’m trying to use MTK/SciML/Symbolics more extensively, I would like to use it to solve this problem. So, I have 2 questions:
- Can SciML’s Symbolics solve that? When I try the following:
using ModelingToolkit
using Groebner
@variables Vpack R1 RisoP RisoN R2 R3
@variables Vadc_off Vadc_on
# RisoN || (R2+R3)
A = 1/(1/RisoN + 1/(R2+R3))
# RisoP || R1
B = 1/(1/RisoP + 1/R1)
# R3 / (R2+R3)
Vadc_ratio = R3/(R2+R3)
Vchassis_off = Vpack * (A / (RisoP + A))
Vchassis_on = Vpack * (A / (A+B))
eq1 = Vadc_off ~ Vchassis_off * Vadc_ratio
eq2 = Vadc_on ~ Vchassis_on * Vadc_ratio
symbolic_solve([eq1, eq2], (RisoP, RisoN))
I get
┌ Info: Assuming (R2*RisoN + R2*RisoP + R3*RisoN + R3*RisoP + RisoN*RisoP) != 0
└ @ Symbolics /home/ricardo/.julia/packages/Symbolics/6CYZh/src/solver/preprocess.jl:53
┌ Info: Assuming (R1*R2*RisoN + R1*R2*RisoP + R1*R3*RisoN + R1*R3*RisoP + R1*RisoN*RisoP + R2*RisoN*RisoP + R3*RisoN*RisoP) != 0
└ @ Symbolics /home/ricardo/.julia/packages/Symbolics/6CYZh/src/solver/preprocess.jl:53
"Groebner bases engine is required. Execute `using Groebner` to enable this functionality."
- If I model that circuit using @mtkmodel:
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Electrical
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks: Constant
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t
@mtkmodel simple_resistor begin
@parameters begin
Vpack = 800.0
R1 = 4.0*499.0e3
R2 = 4.0*499.0e3
R3 = 1/3*60.4e3
RisoP = 50e3
RisoN = 100e3
@components begin
r1 = Resistor(R = R1)
r2 = Resistor(R = R2)
r3 = Resistor(R = R3)
risop = Resistor(R = RisoP)
rison = Resistor(R = RisoN)
source = Voltage()
constant = Constant(k = Vpack)
ground = Ground()
@equations begin
connect(constant.output, source.V)
connect(source.p, r1.p)
connect(r1.n, r2.p)
connect(r2.n, r3.p)
connect(source.p, risop.p)
connect(risop.n, rison.p)
connect(risop.n, r2.p) # connects the resistor network with the chassis
connect(source.n, r3.n, rison.n, ground.g)
@mtkbuild sys_ON = simple_resistor()
@mtkbuild sys_OFF = simple_resistor(R1 = 1e18)
is there a way to get the symbolic solution for a variable, like sys_ON.r3.v and sys_OFF.r3.v (which would be the Vadc when SW is ON and OFF, respecitvely)? With those solutions, I can iterate one more time to solve for RisoP and RisoN.