Getting Reproducible Results in Distributed Computing with Randomness

I’m stuck on how to set different random seeds for each worker in distributed computation.

using Distributed, SharedArrays

# Start Julia with multiple workers

@everywhere using Random

# Function to set a unique random seed for each worker
@everywhere function set_worker_seed()
    worker_id = myid() - 1  # Worker IDs start from 2, so we subtract 1
    seed = 42 + 1000*worker_id  # Adjust the base seed value as needed
    println("Worker $worker_id seed: $seed")

# Set a unique random seed for each worker
for p in workers()
    @spawnat p set_worker_seed()

v = SharedArray{Float64}(10)
# Define a function that uses the random number generator
@sync @distributed for i=1:10
    v[i] = rand()

My hope is to set different random seeds for each worker (so that there is no overlap in the value of v for each element) and make the vector v reproducible every time I reset the random seed.
But it turns out that the value of v changes for each run in my current code. Do you have any solutions on how to fix this issue?

Thank you!

This seems to be due to Tasks: don't advance task RNG on task spawn by StefanKarpinski · Pull Request #49110 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub

In the meantime, consider defining an RNG on each worker explicitly, and using that in any random function. They should all accept an RNG as their first argument.

Thank you!
Putting MersenneTwister in the rand() function seems to provide what I wanted to do.

using Distributed, SharedArrays

# Start Julia with multiple workers

@everywhere using Random

rng = Vector{MersenneTwister}(undef,nworkers())
for i=1:nworkers()
    rng[i] = MersenneTwister(42+i*1000)

v = SharedArray{Float64}(10)
@sync @distributed for i=1:10
    v[i] = rand(rng[myid()-1])