Getting first element of a possibly empty Eduction (Transducers.jl)

Consider the following eduction

julia> using Transducers

julia> ed = (rand() for i in 1:10) |> Filter(<(0.1))
Base.Generator{UnitRange{Int64}, var"#1#2"} |>

Getting the first element is tricky because it might not exist

julia> ed |> first
ERROR: ArgumentError: collection must be non-empty
 [1] first
   @ ./abstractarray.jl:419 [inlined]
 [2] |>(x::Transducers.Eduction{Transducers.Reduction{Filter{Base.Fix2{typeof(<), Float64}}, Transducers.BottomRF{Completing{typeof(push!!)}}}, Base.Generator{UnitRange{Int64}, var"#1#2"}}, f::typeof(first))
   @ Base ./operators.jl:966
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[3]:1

I came across a nice way to avoid the exception and get a nothing instead (if ed is empty):

julia> ed |> Take(1) |> foldxl(something, init = nothing)

julia> ed |> Take(1) |> foldxl(something, init = nothing)

julia> ed |> Take(1) |> foldxl(something, init = nothing)

(The last case returned a nothing which is not displayed in REPL.)

Hope it helps folks. (Note that findfirst can be a lot faster when it is applicable. This is an MWE not a real usecase.)