Dict uses hash function to find the key, but Base.hash isn’t automatically defined for mutable structs since you can change its content and thus invalidate the key (you can see the same behavior in other languages as well). Defining Base.hash() solves the problem, but make sure not to modify instance of X while it’s a key in a Dict. Or better use (immutable) structs which define correct Base.hash automatically:
julia> struct X
julia> import Base: isless, isequal
julia> isless(a::X,b::X) = isless(a.i,b.i)
isless (generic function with 71 methods)
julia> isequal(a::X,b::X) = isequal(a.i,b.i)
isequal (generic function with 23 methods)
julia> DX = Dict(X(i)=>i for i=1:10)
Dict{X,Int64} with 10 entries:
X(1) => 1
X(7) => 7
X(5) => 5
X(8) => 8
X(4) => 4
X(10) => 10
X(3) => 3
X(2) => 2
X(6) => 6
X(9) => 9
julia> X6 = X(6)
julia> DX[X6] # no error
the objectid of my struct X is actually hashed because the type is “no specialize”, i.e hash() does not understand what is struct X. Then I need to specialize (specify) it