I am writing my objects to and from my database. Database columns and field names are matching, so for convenience sake I would like to get an array of fieldnames and an array of field values to pass to the SQL INSERT INTO command. Is this the proper way of doing this task in Julia? I was hoping for some version of the .function operator. Asking to help me learn the language better.
First of all, your approach seems reasonable probably similar to what I would have done as well.
There is a package which I actually found just when reseaching for this question
it is NamedTupleTools.jl
With that you could do
using NamedTupleTools
nt = ntfromstruct(security)
I quite like NamedTuples, they reduce sometimes the amount of structs one needs to define so it might be convenient for you too. But maybe it is also overkill here
(By the way, you probably know it already but it could be that there are already packages which would help you with interfacing with SQL. In particular also DataFrames.jl in case that you haven’t seen it already.)
I’ve been struggling with the same for a long time, until now that I understood what you need to pass on to the fieldnames() function.
fieldnames() does not accept the object itself as it is called, but the explicit type, then you can check all the fields of an arbitrarily given object by simply making use firs ot typeof():
for instance, to get the fields of the object that is thrown by the constructor of the package ARCHmodels
in their tutorial (Univariate · ARCHModels.jl):
julia> am = UnivariateARCHModel(spec, mydata; dist=StdT(ν), meanspec=Intercept(μ))
you just have to do
julia> fieldnames(typeof(am))
without even know what is the specific way the structure is built (a bit cumbersome for this package)