Get MLE parameters (e.g., p-value, confidence intervals...) from a Turing model using Optim.jl

EDIT: There is now PR to add this feature to Turing

This might be a very silly question… but assuming the following simple linear model:

using Turing
using DataFrames
using LinearAlgebra

x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
y = [0, 0.6, 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 3, 3.3, 4, 4.6]

@model function lm(y, x)
    # Set variance prior.
    σ² ~ truncated(Normal(0, 100); lower=0)
    intercept ~ Normal(0, sqrt(3))
    coefficient ~ TDist(3)

    # Calculate all the mu terms.
    mu = intercept .+ x * coefficient
    y ~ MvNormal(mu, σ² * LinearAlgebra.I)

One can estimate the MLE parameters using Optim.jl:

using Optim

map_estimate = optimize(lm(y, x), MAP())
ModeResult with maximized lp of -0.84
[0.01558797630961074, 0.025930064026905057, 0.4986792139399884]

In the Turing examples, this is mentioned as a mean to find starting values. However, I was wondering if this feature could be used for other purposes, in particular to make non-Bayesian parameter estimations.

Is it possible to compute for this Turing model other indices traditionally associated with ML estimation, such as confidence intervals, p-values, etc.? Perhaps implementing a bootstrapping procedure? Thanks for any thoughts!

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If you wanted to get standard errors (which give you confidence intervals, t-stats, etc.) you can use the information matrix which we extended for this purpose. To get the maximum likelihood estimate, you can do

using Turing, Optim, StatsBase

# Estimate the MLE
opt = optimize(lm(y,x), MLE())

# Then, get the standard errors
infomat = stderror(opt)

You can also get a standard statistical coefficient table using coeftable(opt).


Also worth mentioning this post that showcases the use of coeftable() on the output of optimize.

For those interested, here is an attempt at getting a more complete version (with p-values and CIs via a z-approximation) (also because I have issues with coeftable doesn’t work)

function coeftable2(model)
    mle = Optim.optimize(model, MLE())
    params = DataFrame(
    params[!, :z] = params[!, :Coef] ./ params[!, :StdError]
    params[!, :p] = 2 * (1 .- cdf.(Normal(0, 1), abs.(params[!, :z])))
    params[!, :CI_low] = params[!, :Coef] .+ quantile(Normal(0, 1), 0.025) .* params[!, :StdError]
    params[!, :CI_high] = params[!, :Coef] .+ quantile(Normal(0, 1), 0.975) .* params[!, :StdError]
    return params

Which works like this:

using Turing
using DataFrames
using LinearAlgebra
using StatsBase
using Distributions

function generate_data(a, b, v, nr_samples)
    x = float.(collect(1:nr_samples))
    y = a .* x .+ b .+ randn(nr_samples) .* sqrt(v)
    return x, y

x, y = generate_data(0.3, 25.0, 100.0, 40)

@model function model_lm(y, x)
    # Set variance prior.
    σ² ~ truncated(Normal(0, 100); lower=0)
    intercept ~ Normal(0, sqrt(3))
    coefficient ~ TDist(3)

    # Calculate all the mu terms.
    mu = intercept .+ x * coefficient
    y ~ MvNormal(mu, σ² * LinearAlgebra.I)

model = model_lm(y, x)
3×7 DataFrame
 Row │ Name         Coef        StdError   z        p            CI_low    CI_high    
     │ Symbol       Float64     Float64    Float64  Float64      Float64   Float64
   1 │ σ²           118.147     26.4185    4.47214  7.74422e-6   66.3679   169.927
   2 │ intercept     22.2225     3.50273   6.34435  2.23373e-10  15.3573    29.0878
   3 │ coefficient    0.482927   0.148884  3.24364  0.00118011    0.19112    0.774734

Update for those who stumble on this thread later – if you update to Turing 0.26.4, you can now call StatsBase.coeftable(chain).

@DominiqueMakowski put out a lovely PR to fix this, please thank them!