LazySets.jl contains the function convex_hull
. to get the points that form the convex hull of a set of points.
julia> x = rand(10); y = rand(10);
julia> t = map(x, y) do xi, yi
[xi, yi]
julia> h = convex_hull(t)
7-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
[0.27874509698405914, 0.8381264273624781]
[0.4204741719144459, 0.27569852706323217]
[0.47489782426354443, 0.22189599344415556]
[0.8408411037903044, 0.08270095905730068]
[0.9695545294784288, 0.08977018366438483]
[0.7769612361366431, 0.6925328658255991]
[0.44161422504009307, 0.8354916368597441]
Is there any way to get the indices of these points, rather than the points themselves?