Get gradient of user-defined nonlinear operator in JuMP


Is it possible to get the gradient from a user-defined nonlinear operator in JuMP? What I would like to do is pass a JuMP model around and be able to query the analytical gradient from the nonlinear operator.

A MWE would look something like this:

using JuMP

model = Model()

f(x...) = x[1]^2 - x[1]*x[2] + x[2]^2

function ∇f(g::AbstractArray{T}, x::T...) where {T}
    g[1] = 2.0*x[1] - x[2]
    g[2] = 2.0*x[2] - x[1]

@operator(model, op_f, 2, f, ∇f)

model[:op_f] # <- Can I get the gradient from this?

# Or alternatively
@variable(model, x[1:2])
@objective(model, Min, op_f(x...))

objective_function(model) # <- Can I get the gradient from this?

I’ve tried using NLPModels and NLPModelsJuMP, but I’m not able to convert the JuMP model to NLPModels since it includes a user-defined operator (and I would prefer to simply use JuMP if it’s possible).

Hi @ertam98, welcome to the forum :smile:

Can you give an example of your intended use-case? If you don’t have constraints, I might suggest that you read Should you use JuMP? · JuMP.

What would you like the gradient of the objective function with respect to? All variables? Just the variables that appear in the objective? Evaluated at a given point? Or the optimal solution?

Note that the gradient of :op_f is given by your ∇f function, so perhaps I don’t fully understand what your question is.

Dealing with the user-defined functions is a bit complicated, but this should point you in the right direction:

julia> using JuMP

julia> f(x...) = x[1]^2 - x[1]*x[2] + x[2]^2
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function ∇f(g::AbstractArray{T}, x::T...) where {T}
           g[1] = 2.0*x[1] - x[2]
           g[2] = 2.0*x[2] - x[1]
∇f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> begin
           model = Model()
           @operator(model, op_f, 2, f, ∇f)
           @variable(model, x[1:2])
           @objective(model, Min, op_f(x...))
op_f(x[1], x[2])

julia> function build_objective_function_gradient_evaluator(model)
           ops = Dict(
               (, attr.arity) => get_attribute(model, attr)
               for attr in get_attribute(model, MOI.ListOfModelAttributesSet())
               if attr isa MOI.UserDefinedFunction
           nlp = MOI.Nonlinear.Model()
           for ((name, arity), args) in ops
               MOI.Nonlinear.register_operator(nlp, name, arity, args...)
           MOI.Nonlinear.set_objective(nlp, objective_function(model))
           x = all_variables(model)
           backend = MOI.Nonlinear.SparseReverseMode()
           evaluator = MOI.Nonlinear.Evaluator(nlp, backend, index.(x))
           MOI.initialize(evaluator, [:Grad])
           function eval_gradient(x_sol)
               grad = fill(NaN, length(x_sol))
               MOI.eval_objective_gradient(evaluator, grad, x_sol)
               return grad
build_objective_function_gradient_evaluator (generic function with 1 method)

julia> eval_gradient = build_objective_function_gradient_evaluator(model)
eval_gradient (generic function with 1 method)

julia> eval_gradient([1.5, 1.7])
2-element Vector{Float64}:

See also


Thank you for the nice response!

So I’m in essence writing a program for Outer Approximation (article). So the key point is that I need to solve NLP and MILP iteratively and then in some point linearize the constraints of NLP and add them as a constraint in the MILP. So that’s why I need to evaluate the gradients of the constraints.

The point is basically that it would be neat to get the gradients directly from the model, but I think creating a data structure for the gradients and pass it separately.

I did something similar to your example with automatic differentiation, but since user-defined gradient seems as complicated as AD I figure keeping track of ∇f is easier.

So I’m in essence writing a program for Outer Approximation

Have you considered using GitHub - jump-dev/Pavito.jl: A gradient-based outer approximation solver for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)