Get fieldnames and values of `struct` as NamedTuple

After the discussion in this thread I was wondering if there is in Julia 0.7 a way to get a NamedTuple starting from a struct. For example:

julia> struct Person

julia> p = Person(34, "Jane")
Person(34.0, "Jane")

julia> (;(v=>getfield(p, v) for v in fieldnames(typeof(p)))...)
(age = 34.0, name = "Jane")

Is there a built-in function for this or is this the recommended way to go from a given struct to NamedTuple? The application I have in mind is from the thread linked above: saving an Array of struct in tabular format (as several columns) using NamedTuples (it would work very well with JuliaDB).

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Since any particular instance of a NamedTuple is a functional subset of a named struct type, it seems like you could just open an issue on the table package to remove the type restriction / enable support for use with any type.

I had quite some fun with this one. I think the recommended way is the following way via generated functions (you proposed the naive way):

to_named_tuple_naive(p) = (; (v=>getfield(p, v) for v in fieldnames(typeof(p)))...)

gentup(struct_T) = NamedTuple{( fieldnames(struct_T)...,), Tuple{(fieldtype(struct_T,i) for i=1:fieldcount(struct_T))...}}

@generated function to_named_tuple_generated(x)
           nt = Expr(:quote, gentup(x))
           tup = Expr(:tuple)
           for i=1:fieldcount(x)
               push!(tup.args, :(getfield(x, $i)) )
           return :($nt($tup))

So, let’s compare!

using BenchmarkTools
struct Person

struct point
pers=Person(34, "Jane")
pt = point(3.4, 4.5)
@show to_named_tuple_naive(pers);
#to_named_tuple_naive(pers) = (age = 34.0, name = "Jane")
@show to_named_tuple_generated(pers);
#to_named_tuple_generated(pers) = (age = 34.0, name = "Jane")

@btime to_named_tuple_naive($pers);
#4.471 ��s (25 allocations: 1.27 KiB)
@btime to_named_tuple_naive($pt);
#2.772 ��s (21 allocations: 1.17 KiB)

@btime to_named_tuple_generated($pers);
#8.554 ns (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
@btime to_named_tuple_generated($pt);
#2.208 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)


#Julia Version 0.7.0-DEV.3943
#Commit dcc39f4d8d* (2018-02-09 22:47 UTC)

Is there an easy way to modify this to run in 0.6.2 ? Neither the naive nor generated function method seems to work (including after modifying to not use fieldcount). Thx

NamedTuples in Julia 0.6 are provided by a the NamedTuples package. I’m not sure how to create a NamedTuple with that package without explicitly typing in the fields.

Ahh. OK. Thanks. Guess I have to get 0.7 dev running to give this a whirl.

Is there an inverse (named_tuple_to_struct_generated)?

The boring way is to just splat the tuple into the constructor (as long as the default constructor exists):

persnt = to_named_tuple_generated(pers);
@btime Person($(persnt)...)
#319.253 ns (3 allocations: 160 bytes)
#Person(34.0, "Jane")
ptnt = to_named_tuple_generated(pt);
@btime point($(ptnt)...)
#  336.827 ns (5 allocations: 208 bytes)
#point(3.4, 4.5)

Afaik there is some PR for improving the speed of named tuple splatting underway. I am slightly shocked at how slow this is, but currently too lazy to write a generated function for it, and would wait-and-see whether this goes away on its own.

If you can un-name the tuples then it gets fast:

@btime point($(ptunt)...)
#  2.211 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
#point(3.4, 4.5)

But I currently don’t know how to cheaply strip the names (probably another @generated).

Ok, not so lazy.

@generated function strip_names(x)
           tup = Expr(:tuple)
           for i=1:length(x.types)
               push!(tup.args, :(getfield(x, $i)) )
           return :($tup)
@btime Person(strip_names($persnt)...)
#8.491 ns (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
#Person(34.0, "Jane")
@btime point(strip_names($ptnt)...)
#  2.209 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
#point(3.4, 4.5)

Maybe I should submit a PR for the faster splat.

edit: Because I always get confused about what @btime actually measures:

@btime fpers($persnt)
#  8.502 ns (1 allocation: 32 bytes)
#Person(34.0, "Jane")

I think your work deserves a PR. I understand @jameson opinion that in theory everything that can be done with a NamedTuple could be done with the struct directly, but in practice such a large chunk of the data ecosystem is organized around NamedTuples that I do not believe it can be adjusted to work with struct in general, which IMHO makes your work quite useful.

Nope, just tested; it gives the same speed for strip_names, just with nicer code.

So kudos to andyferris; better wait until his PR is merged or copy-paste the code from his PR if you can’t wait.

edit: Once I fix my personal git-hell I will maybe submit a PR for the struct-to-named-tuple conversion, if you think it is useful.

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thank you.

there is this effort too, FastSplat which does speed splatting. I get ~6x (0.6.2) and ~3x (0.7.0-DEV).

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T(fields...) is only a constructor if the type doesn’t define a constructor. Similarly, to_named_tuple_generated would be wrong for any type that defines getproperty. It might make sense for this code to live in a package, with a “buyer-beware” warning, but I don’t think we should put it in base. This is also coupled to the reason Julia APIs often avoid using dot-oriented accessors (specifically, because it encourages excess coupling of a type’s data layout and usage & hinders effective usage of dispatch).


So @piever the best is to copy-paste the struct_to_named_tuple into your code or maybe submit it to some place where it fits (e.g. the packages that use named tuples in the data-frame/table ecosystem; you obviously have my permission to do so, I don’t need credit for these 5 lines; it’s just like all the pointer-based non-allocating array-views that everyone copy-pastes and modifies). If it doesn’t belong in base then it doesn’t belong in base, so I can procrastinate fixing my git for some more time, yay!.

Splatting of named tuples will be reasonably fast once has landed, so the strip_names can be forgotten (modulo maybe unions: Tuples are covariant and named tuples are not, so I’m not sure whether there lurk performance dragons when splatting named tuples with Union{Int,Missing} fields).

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I also thought this probably belongs to some data package then (possibly one of the IterableTables group), I’ll make a PR when those packages update to Julia 0.7, thanks again for your contribution.

I think @jameson is probably right that we should just relax the requirement that things have to be a named tuple and accept any struct everywhere. Query.jl already has no special treatment for named tuples, and it might make sense to do the same for the iterable tables interface. I think I want to think a bit more about this, but that is my current view.


Do we have conversion between structs and named tuples available in some package by now? If not, @JeffreySarnoff, would you accept something like this as an addition to NamedTupleTools.jl?


Just tagged v0.4.0

using NamedTupleTools

julia> struct MyStruct

julia> mystruct = MyStruct(5, "hometeam")
MyStruct(5, "hometeam")

julia> mynamedtuple = NamedTuple(mystruct)
(tally = 5, team = "hometeam")

julia> mystructtuple = (tally = 18, team = "vistors")
(tally = 18, team = "vistors")

julia> myotherstruct = convert(MyStruct, mystructtuple)
MyStruct(18, "vistors")

Oh, nice, thanks!

One question: NamedTupleTools doesn’t really “own” NamedTuple, but defines methods like length (and now convert) for it. Are you aware of any other packages that do that too and could cause ambiguities? Or can we consider NamedTupleTools as “official” enough that that’s fine?