Genie: Basic API backend question

I keep getting this error :

######################### ERROR STACKTRACE #########################
Expected end of input
Line: 0
Around: …11092×16 DataFrame Row…

But when I run the code (excluding the routes) in a separate terminal, it runs just fine, returning a DataFrame of securities symbols with some information about them.

What am I doing wrong? (Note that the api key published here is a publishable key that only has access to free data.)

using Genie, Genie.Renderer.Json, Genie.Requests
using HTTP, JSON
using DataFrames

route("/tickers", method = POST) do
  message = jsonpayload()
#  (:echo => (message["message"] * " ") ^ message["repeat"]) |> json
    syms = HTTP.request("GET","")
    schema_req = HTTP.request("GET","")
    sbs = syms.body |> String |> JSON.parse
    smat = sbs .|> values .|> collect |> (x->reduce(hcat,x)) |> (x->permutedims(DataFrame(x,:auto)))
    schema = schema_req.body |> String |> JSON.parse |> first |> keys |> collect

route("/send") do
  response = HTTP.request("POST", "http://localhost:8000/tickers", [("Content-Type", "application/json")], """{"exchanges":"XNYS", "type":"cs"}""")
  response.body |> String |> JSON.parse

up(async = false)

Ultimately, I’d like the ‘/tickers’ route to be an API backend and the /send route to exist in a desktop application (not necessarily as a webpage), so answers without relying heavily on formatting the /send route are very welcome.


I found out that changing the line

response.body |> String |> JSON.parse


response.body |> String |> Genie.Renderer.Json.json

gets rid of the error. I’m guessing it’s because Genie requires its own json method to pass json objects, not JSON.parse. (Also, I can’t just use ‘|> json’ like in the Genie example, because the keyword json is exported by two modules that I imported, so I have to specify that this is the Genie one.)

Now it looks like this, and I’d like to know of a way to receive a dataframe as a response and not this monstrosity. Any ideas?

Could you show the entire error?

I progressed a bit past this, but ran into a new problem. Would the old error still help, or do you think this is approachable as is now?