Hey all,
I’m trying to generate some functions, and while they work, I don’t fully understand the behavior coming out. Also, there may be some function in Base which does this, I just can’t find it. Illumination of either would be very appreciated
I want to generate a function slice
to get a slice 2D slice of a 3D array. slice
should take two args: an int for which dimension should be ‘flat’, and the value for the index to take along that dimension.
Eg: slice(A, 2, 3)
should give me A[:, 3, :]
, slice(A, 1, 2)
should give A[2, :, :]
Am I reinventing a wheel here?
From the docs, @generated
‘generate[s] specialized code depending on the types of their arguments’. I expected a method for each set of types passed in, but we’re seeing just one. How is the code specialized then? I want to ask ‘where’ the specialized code is (it if that makes sense).
Here is my MWE:
access_expression(F, i) = Expr(vcat([:ref, F], circshift([:x_i, :, :], i - 1))...)
dump(access_expression(:A, 2))
@generated function slice(A, i :: Val{T}, x_i) where T
# we want @generated to dispatch on dimension
slice_dimension = T
$(access_expression(:A, slice_dimension))
A = rand(Int16, 1, 2, 3)
println("A = \n$A")
@assert size(slice(A, Val(1), 1)) == (2, 3)
println("slice 1 = \n $(slice(A, Val(1), 1))")
@assert size(slice(A, Val(2), 1)) == (1, 3)
println("slice 2 = \n $(slice(A, Val(2), 1))")
@assert size(slice(A, Val(3), 1)) == (1, 2)
println("slice 3 = \n $(slice(A, Val(3), 1))")
which gives us the following output:
head: Symbol ref
args: Array{Any}((4,))
1: Symbol A
2: Colon() (function of type Colon)
3: Symbol x_i
4: Colon() (function of type Colon)
A =
Int16[-9408 10291]
Int16[-28752 -4734]
Int16[28341 -30523]
slice 1 =
Int16[-9408 -28752 28341; 10291 -4734 -30523]
slice 2 =
Int16[-9408 -28752 28341]
slice 3 =
Int16[-9408 10291]
julia> slice
slice (generic function with 1 method)
We can see from dump
that the expression produced is simple, and dimension specific. The slicing works. Yet there’s only one method!