Thanks for the link. As far as I understand the docs build_function()
build functions in different languages and with different types of parallelism.
I was wondering whether there was a also way to create a single line expression just as sympy’s julia_code
I could not pick it up from the docs; I’ve searched for wrong key words.
using Symbolics
@variables x a b c
D = Differential(x)
F = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x
dFdx = expand_derivatives(D(F))
build_function(dFdx, x, a, b, c, target=Symbolics.JuliaTarget())
build_function(dFdx, x, a, b, c, target=Symbolics.CTarget())
build_function(dFdx, x, a, b, c, target=Symbolics.MATLABTarget())