Dear all,
I’m starting with Symbolics.jl, however I’m stuck with a basic functionality.
I often use sympy to generate some text expressions that I then copy/paste in either C, MATLAB or Julia codes. I was wondering how one could do this with symbolics?
Here’s a sympy example that better illustrates what I mean:
x, a, b, c = symbols('x, a, b, c')
F = a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x
print('Julia_expr = ' + julia_code( F.diff(x) ) )
print('Octave_expr = ' + octave_code( F.diff(x) ) )
print('C_expr = ' + ccode( F.diff(x) ) )
Also, one issue here: the ‘Julia_expr’ still needs to be edited before use within Julia (dots are missing )
thanks for your input!