Hello everyone!
I want to generate a list of functions, and run into some unexpected behaviour.
# Case 1: using anonymous functions
for i in 1:3
@show [p() for p in fs]
# Case 2: create function with a new name
for i in 1:3
function g()
@show [p() for p in gs]
# Case 3: create function with a used name
for i in 1:3
function h()
@show [p() for p in hs]
The output is like
[p() for p = fs] = [1, 2, 3]
[p() for p = gs] = [1, 2, 3]
[p() for p = hs] = [3, 3, 3]
Apparently, the behaviour of Julia in case 3 is different from that in case 2. Although the definition of h() is my sample code is fairly close to the loop, in real program, it can be in pretty far ahead, or in other files, which may cause some issues.
Also, we tell from the output, the h() function is neither the expected ones as in case 2, nor the one defined outside the loop, which should return 100.
I am not sure whether this behaviour is documented somewhere or not. If it is already documented, a warning should be given here.
I tested code above using Julia 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.
I think the for-loop scope rule is messing with you. When you have h() from before the for loop, and use (by push!()ing it) it inside the loop, somehow Julia decides to evaluate the function definition in global scope.
julia> g()
ERROR: UndefVarError: g not defined
julia> h()
julia> gs=[]
julia> for i in 1:3
g = i
julia> g
ERROR: UndefVarError: g not defined
julia> gs
3-element Vector{Any}:
julia> h = 100
julia> hs = []
julia> for i in 1:3
h = i
julia> hs
3-element Vector{Any}:
julia> h
except the global h() function is evaluated later in [h() for h in hs]
I remove the misleading [h() for h in hs] and replace it as [p() for p in hs]. The problem is not located in the @show lines.
The non-function analogy is like
for i in 1:3
@show [p for p in xs]
@show x
and the output is
[p for p = xs] = [1, 2, 3]
x = 3
which is reasonable, because the global x is rebound to the value of for-loop local i, and after the loop, x==3.
While in my “list of function” sample, if the rule in non-function case hold, I would expect the function in the list returns [1, 2, 3], or the global function f() is used, returns [100, 100, 100]. But none of these happens. Instead, the final answer is [3, 3, 3], it seems the i is stuck to the last iteration of the loop, while it is not in case 2.
julia> hs = []
julia> h = [100]
1-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> for i in 1:3
h[] = i
julia> hs
3-element Vector{Any}:
you’re calling the function h() only after the list is constructed. You can only have one h() (a named function) in the Main scope, so when you evaluate it after the loop, by construction you would get the same value.
Becuase h existed before the loop and you use h on the RHS in the loop, it all refers to the same h – the named function h() in Main scope.
or, if you evaluate the h() inside the push(), it will reproduce the example when h=i is just an immutabe scalar:
julia> h()=100
h (generic function with 1 method)
julia> hs=[]
julia> for i in 1:3
function h()
julia> hs
3-element Vector{Any}:
basically you re-define the Main.h() in each iteration, and call Main.h() each iteration as well, instead of delaying the evaluation after the loop.
I think this may be a semantics problem. ismutable probably expects an instance of a struct or something like that. The ismutable documentation says:
ismutable(v) → Bool
Return true iff value v is mutable. See Mutable Composite Types for a discussion of immutability. Note that this function works on values, so if you give it a type, it will tell you that a value of DataType is mutable.
Functions are mutable in the sense new methods can be added to them, and their previous methods can be redefined.
If I’m interpreting the documentation correctly this assignment case is ambiguous and will give different results when evaluated in interactive vs. non-interactive cases:
''When x = <value> occurs in a local scope, Julia applies the following rules to decide what the expression means based on where the assignment expression occurs and what x already refers to at that location:
Existing local: If x is already a local variable , then the existing local x is assigned;
Hard scope: If x is not already a local variable and assignment occurs inside of any hard scope construct (i.e. within a let block, function or macro body, comprehension, or generator), a new local named x is created in the scope of the assignment;
Soft scope: If x is not already a local variable and all of the scope constructs containing the assignment are soft scopes (loops, try / catch blocks, or struct blocks), the behavior depends on whether the global variable x is defined:**
** * if global x is undefined , a new local named x is created in the scope of the assignment;**
** * if global x is defined , the assignment is considered ambiguous:
** * in non-interactive contexts (files, eval), an ambiguity warning is printed and a new local is created;**
** * in interactive contexts (REPL, notebooks), the global variable x is assigned.**
You may note that in non-interactive contexts the hard and soft scope behaviors are identical except that a warning is printed when an implicitly local variable (i.e. not declared with local x ) shadows a global. In interactive contexts, the rules follow a more complex heuristic for the sake of convenience. This is covered in depth in examples that follow.‘’
I created a file containing the code:
module App
for i in 1:3
function h()
@show [p() for p in hs]
println("global h function $(h())")
end # module
and then did a non-interactive evaluation
julia> using App
[ Info: Precompiling App [4c3466e5-b909-4ae6-bfb7-8e1039e25e36]
[p() for p = hs] = [1, 2, 3]
global h function 100
In this case a new function h() was bound each time through the loop and the global h() was unaffected as @zhaiyusci expected.
Great! You reminded me that my concern is related to a scope issue.
I forgot to test my example in a non-interactive environment, but only in a Jupyter notebook.
Interestingly, the soft-local-scope warning is not raised if a function in local scope is redefined, as in Julia 1.7. I am not sure whether it is a pitfall in JuliaLang. But a warning will help.