Generate a function via macro and pass to @cfunction. Possible?

I’m trying to write a macro that takes a function, creates a wrapper for it, passes the wrapper to @cfunction and finally passes the function pointer to an external C library.

To further clarify the use-case here: I want to create a type-stable wrapper of the function and pass this to the C-Library. The wrapper should extract the arguments from a C pointer and then call the function, all without runtime dispatch.

I tried several things, that dont work, see below.

My question:
How can this could be done? Is this even possible?

Approach 1: Defining wrapper and passing to @cfunction.

macro _test_macro_func_wrapped_1(func)
    func_esc = esc(func) # must be escaped, because macro lives in package
        wrapped = function ()
            println("Execute Wrapper")
            r = $func_esc()
            return println("Execute Wrapper result: ", r)
        wrapped() # works

        # ERROR HERE - "wrapped" not defined
        ptr = @cfunction(wrapped, Cvoid, ())
        @info "Function ptr:" ptr

Approach 2:

Try to avoid macro hygiene (but not working)

macro _test_macro_func_wrapped_2(func)
    func_esc = esc(func) # escape the function
    wrapper_name = :wrapper
    println("Wrapper name: ", wrapper_name)
        # Try to avoid auto generated name, but somehow its still generated
        function ($wrapper_name)()
            println("Execute Wrapper")
            r = $func_esc(10)
            return println("Execute Wrapper result: ", r)

        ($wrapper_name)()              # works
        $wrapper_name                  # works
        @info "Method:" $wrapper_name  # Works
        # ERROR HERE: "wrapper" not defined in Main (but also not in the package)
        ptr = @cfunction($wrapper_name, Cvoid, ())
        @info "Function ptr:" ptr

Approach 3:

Avoid macro hygiene and force definition of the wrapper via eval. But fails, because of an “syntax error” if esc() is used, or if esc() is not used, then the outer function cannot be referenced.

macro _test_macro_func_wrapped_3(func)
    func_esc = esc(func) # escape the function
    wrapper_name = :wrapper
    package_name = @__MODULE__
    package_wrapper_expr = Expr(:., package_name, :(:wrapper))
    println("Wrapper name: ", wrapper_name)
    println("Package wrapper expr: ", package_wrapper_expr)
    wrapper_def = quote
        function ($wrapper_name)()
            println("Execute Wrapper")
            r = $(func)(10)
            return println("Execute Wrapper result: ", r)

    # ERROR here: LoadError: syntax: invalid syntax (escape (outerref my_scalar_function))
    # or if esc() is ommited: UndefVarError: `my_scalar_function` not defined in `package`


        @info "Method:" $package_wrapper_expr

        ptr = @cfunction($package_wrapper_expr, Cvoid, ())
        @info "Function ptr:" ptr
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You’re hoping to create an expression that evaluates to 1) define a wrapped function, then 2) make a function pointer from it. That would work if step 2 was a normal function call; sequential execution is what they do. But @cfunction isn’t a function call, it’s a macro call, and those are expanded in the expression before evaluation even happens.

Many macro calls are designed to expand to function calls that do the real work, so the sequential behavior still happens. Let’s see what @cfunction does:

julia> @macroexpand begin
         function foo(x::Int, y::Int) # docstring example
           return x + y
         @cfunction(foo, Int, (Int, Int))
    #= REPL[25]:2 =#
    function foo(x::Int, y::Int)
        #= REPL[25]:2 =#
        #= REPL[25]:3 =#
        return x + y
    #= REPL[25]:5 =#
    $(Expr(:cfunction, Ptr{Nothing}, :(:foo), :Int, :(Core.svec(Int, Int)), :(:ccall)))

@cfunction expands to a dedicated Expr, which is definitely not a function call (:call). @cfunction’s docstring mentions

… these arguments will be evaluated in global scope during compile-time
(not deferred until runtime)…

so the real work happens during evaluation but before the sequential execution (like how local/global statements still apply to a whole scope despite being written at the tail end of the expression). You’ll need to evaluate that wrapped function into the global scope, then try the @cfunction call in a separate top-level expression.

julia> begin
         function foo(x::Int, y::Int)
           return x + y
         @cfunction(foo, Int, (Int, Int)) # macro call errors at compile-time
ERROR: UndefVarError: `foo` not defined in `Main`
Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

julia> foo # "preceding" definition was not executed
ERROR: UndefVarError: `foo` not defined in `Main`
Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.

julia> function foo(x::Int, y::Int)
           return x + y
foo (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @cfunction(foo, Int, (Int, Int))
Ptr{Nothing} @0x000001ddee99b6f0
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Thanks for the reply and the explanation.

Is there any way to automatically define the wrapper function before @cfunction is evaluated?

I want to have the implementation as user-friendly as possible and avoid that the user needs to first define a wrapper in global scope. It would be convenient if all of this could happen within one macro or function call.

I pretty much never interop with C in practice so a lot of it is lost on me. I myself would like to understand why @cfunction and ccall are like that instead of more straightforward function calls. I’d try my luck with $:

…compile-time (not deferred until runtime). Adding a ‘$’ in front of the function argument changes this to instead create a runtime closure over the local variable callable (this is not supported on all architectures).

which is harder to preserve for the macro call when the surrounding quoted expression attempts $-interpolation, but that can be pulled off by $-interpolating a Expr(:$, ...) in other cases.

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Good point, that might be the BEST way to achieve this, but its not my preferred way, because its not supported everywhere (e.g. ARM ) :confused:

However, I had a look at the implementation of @cfunction (which is surprisingly simple!) and found a way to create a dynamic cfunction.

Idea is:

  • Create a global dictionary and store the function there
  • do not use @cfunction, instead build the expression and evaluate it at runtime.

I’m just wondering: How dangerous / future-proof is this?

REF = Dict{Int, Function}()
function inner_ccall_2()
    choice = parse(Int, ARGS[1])
    R = rand(1:10)
    dynamic_func_inner = dynamic(R)
    REF[1] = dynamic_func_inner # store the function in a global variable
    #fptr = QuoteNode(:dynamic_func_inner)

    # DOESNT WORK (fails with "KeyError")
    # ptr = @cfunction(REF[1], Int, (Int,))
    # res = ccall(ptr, Int, (Int,), R)
    # @info "Result 3" R res

    # WORKS (delayed evaluation)
    # manually construct cfunction, what would normally do the macro
    fptr = QuoteNode(:(REF[1]))
    rt = :Int
    at = :(Int,)
    attr_svec = Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :svec), at.args...)
    cfun = Expr(:cfunction, cfunction_type, fptr, rt, attr_svec, QuoteNode(:ccall))
    ptr = eval(cfun)

    res = ccall(ptr, Int, (Int,), R)
    @info "Result 3" R res

    #cfun_expr_2 = Expr(:macrocall, Symbol("@cfunction"), LineNumberNode(@__LINE__, @__MODULE__), :(REF[1]), :Int, :(Int,))
    #@show cfun_expr_2
    #ptr2 = eval(cfun_expr_2)
    #res2 = ccall(ptr2, Int, (Int,), R)
    #@info "Result 4" R res2

Might FunctionWrappers.jl be relevant here? It at least does the job of getting a type-stable function pointer from an arbitrary function and a call signature. But I don’t know if/how you can pass that to a foreign function. It might just work, or maybe after calling something like pointer(wrappedfunction)?

What’s cfunction_type and how does the overall expression work? It doesn’t seem to match the expressions made by the documented @cfunction(callable, ReturnType, (ArgumentTypes...,)) -> Ptr{Cvoid}.

It has problems keeping up with world age now (Issue #52635). FunctionWrapper instantiation appears to get stuck at the first world age where a call signature was compiled, and the internal reinit_wrapper only gets you to the next one, not the current one. I don’t know if previous world ages’ code are never collected or if FunctionWrappers is keeping that code alive, no idea how the internals work there. But I’d look elsewhere for a runtime generated function pointer.

Minimal example so you know for sure what I'm talking about.
julia> using FunctionWrappers: FunctionWrappers as FWs, FunctionWrapper as FW

julia> foo()=0;

julia> foo()=1;

julia> FW{Int, Tuple{}}(foo)()

julia> foo()=2;

julia> FW{Int, Tuple{}}(foo)()

julia> let x = FW{Int, Tuple{}}(foo)
         FWs.reinit_wrapper(x) # internal

julia> foo()=3;

julia> foo()

julia> FW{Int, Tuple{}}(foo)()

julia> let x = FW{Int, Tuple{}}(foo)
         FWs.reinit_wrapper(x) # internal

I actually copied this from the Julia source code (its how @cfunction is implemented). Internally, the @cfunction macro creates a Expr(:cfunction, ...) with some argument checks and conversations (tuple becomes a Core.svec). cfunction_type is a Ptr{Cvoid} (forgot to copy that). In case of a closure it would be a Expr(:$,...), but thats not supported on my machine.

I found out that you can put other things inside fptr = QuoteNode(...) and it will still work, as long as the symbol is globally accessible. So its a nice way to delay the macrocall until the function is defined.

Thats the entire definition of @cfunction:

macro cfunction(f, rt, at)
    if !(isa(at, Expr) && at.head === :tuple)
        throw(ArgumentError("@cfunction argument types must be a literal tuple"))
    at.head = :call
    pushfirst!(at.args, GlobalRef(Core, :svec))
    if isa(f, Expr) && f.head === :$
        fptr = f.args[1]
        typ = CFunction
        fptr = QuoteNode(f)
        typ = Ptr{Cvoid}
    cfun = Expr(:cfunction, typ, fptr, rt, at, QuoteNode(:ccall))
    return esc(cfun)

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