Hi, I am trying to solve a parameter fitting problem in a stiff biological ODE. The problem solves with correct precision in Matlab (with fmincon/IP) using the complex-step technique to compute the gradient, but since I am migrating a lot of stuff to Julia this example is very important to me. I made a first port and used Flux but constraints are not handled and the choice of solvers is small. I adapted the code for GalacticOptim, but the Optim.IPNewton() solver does not seem to like by combination:
ERROR: LoadError: Use OptimizationFunction to pass the derivatives or automatically generate them with one of the autodiff backends
Optim.BFGS() likes it, but fails to converge correctly.
Really guys, this is very HARD to migrate stuff to Julia, even for motivated guys like me (Julia code below).
function syst_AM2(state,theta,t)
Y_x1,Y_x2,mu1_max,mu2_max,Ks1,Ks2,KI,mu0,S00,S10,S20,coeff = theta;
X1,X2,S0,S1,S2,CH4 = state
[Y_x1*r1, Y_x2*r2, -r0, -r1+r0, (1-Y_x1)*r1-r2, (1-Y_x2)*r2]
function loss(theta,p)
state0 = [X10;X20;theta[9:11];0];
coeff = theta[12];
prob = ODEProblem(syst_AM2,state0,(t_CH4[1],t_CH4[end]),theta)
state = solve(prob, Rodas5(),saveat=t_CH4)
S2 = state[5,:]
CH4 = state[6,:]
deb_CH4 = CH4[2:end]-CH4[1:end-1]
e1 = CH4[1:end-1]-Exp_CH4*1
e2 = (deb_CH4-Exp_deb_CH4)*4
e3 = (S2[1:end-1]-coeff*Exp_AGV)*1
function mycallback(p, l)
return false
using Plots, DifferentialEquations, GalacticOptim, Optim
Exp_CH4 = [0,0.146695751,0.452562719,0.85245185,1.390508363,1.88574014,2.333176518,2.79329662,3.417909766,4.299654989,6.515952412,10.29002283,13.99900971,16.46767139,18.77271153,21.23159231,23.82660177,26.81067853,30.00135498,32.59923757,34.18509462,35.5158513,36.74890559,37.86754592,38.79872368,39.69511074,40.56481051,41.3865614,42.13182338,42.84323204,43.49045536];
t_CH4=0.0:size(Exp_CH4)[1]; # temps (jours)
Exp_AGV = [0.6307493,1.8081079,3.0002554,3.4371393,4.1710245,4.306228,4.4414315,4.576635,5.0225553,5.2529314,4.6852442,3.6354049,3.1327115,2.6300181,2.1273247,1.9948686,1.8574543,1.5407059,1.2099629,1.1136956,1.0174283,0.9211824,0.9121245,0.9195297,0.8298519,0.9236508,0.9041827,0.8846932,0.8652251,0.8372571,0.808326];
Exp_deb_CH4 = 0*Exp_CH4;
Exp_deb_CH4[2:end]= Exp_CH4[2:end]-Exp_CH4[1:end-1];
X10 = 0.283861214/(H*Surf);
X20 = 0.094620405/(H*Surf);
S00 = 5.180333444/(H*Surf);
S10 = 0.01/(H*Surf);
S20 = 0.029385961/(H*Surf);
theta_c0 = [0.25, 0.43, 0.5, 3.1, 21.0, 23.0, 4.0, 0.04, S00, S10, S20, 1.0]
cstr = [
0 1; #Y_X1
0 1; #Y_X2
0 Inf; #mu1max
0 Inf; #mu2max
1e-3 Inf; #Ks1
1e-3 Inf; #Ks2
1e-3 Inf; #KI
0 Inf; # mu0
0 Inf; # S00
0 Inf; # S10
0 Inf; # S20
0 Inf]; # AGV coefficient
fun = OptimizationFunction(loss, GalacticOptim.AutoForwardDiff())
prob = OptimizationProblem(fun, theta_c0, [], lb=cstr[:,1], ub=cstr[:,2])
sol = solve(prob, Optim.IPNewton(), cb=mycallback)