Function that only accepts odd number argument

If I have a function that should only accept odd integers, what’s the best way to implement this? Should I create a new OddInt type and only allow that, or just check whether the integer is odd inside the function and throw an error if it’s not? How would I even create an OddInt type in Julia?

function oddball(n::OddInt)
    println("I won't even bother if n isn't odd")


function oddball(n::Int64)
    if isodd(n)
        println("good job")
        throw("the int must be odd!")

The easiest and perhaps cleanest approach is to use a function barrier (an outer function and then another function that handles the real work).

function oddball(n::Int)
    if isodd(n) 
       return thisoddball(n)
    throw(DomainError("$n is not odd"))

function thisoddball(n::Int)
   # do stuff
   return result

You would create an OddInt with an inner constructor that performs validation:

struct OddInt
    value :: Int

    function OddInt(x :: Int)
        if isodd(x)
            return new(x)
            throw(DomainError("$x is not odd"))

function thisoddball(n :: OddInt)
    return n

whether that is any better than the function barrier probably depends on context.


An OddInt type feels like overkill unless you actually need to treat these OddInts as first-class citizens in your code. Do you have functions that always produce OddInts? Or lots of functions that always take OddInts? If so, then having a dedicated type might be helpful. Otherwise, a simple runtime check should be quite effective. You can be more explicit about the kind of error you throw by using an ArgumentError, which provides more helpful information to future users of your code:

if !isodd(n)
  throw(ArgumentError("should be odd!"))

or, more tersely:

isodd(n) || throw(ArgumentError("should be odd!"))

It should be noted that LLVM is increadibly clever, so checking that an integer is odd might be a no-op. Example:

julia> function f(x)
         y = 2x+1
         (y & 1) == 0 ? error("y is not odd!") : y
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @code_llvm f(0)

;  @ REPL[17]:2 within `f'
define i64 @julia_f_13872(i64) {
; ┌ @ int.jl:54 within `*'
   %1 = shl i64 %0, 1
; └
; ┌ @ int.jl:53 within `+'
   %2 = or i64 %1, 1
; └
;  @ REPL[17]:3 within `f'
  ret i64 %2

The LLVM code contains no trace of the second line of f.


@rdeits This is nice, I was unaware of this syntax and I’ll definitely be using it :wink::

isodd(n) || throw(ArgumentError("should be odd!"))


You can likewise use && to do something only if some other condition is true. In other words,

a() && b()

is the same as:

if a()
1 Like

Awesome, thanks so much!

Maybe the function should take n as the argument, as in 2n+1?


This is precisly the sort of thing you could do if we finally had implemented inductive types in Julia

What you want is an inductive type so that the type system can make formal proofs about odd and even integers… I’ve been wanting this for a long time now.

@jeff.bezanson this is on more people’s wishlist now!

In type theory, a system has inductive types if it has facilities for creating a new type along with constants and functions that create terms of that type.

  • “creating a new type” : struct
  • “constants” : const
  • “functions that create terms of that type” : f()::MyType = ...

What’s missing? Please don’t read this as antagonistic; I’m genuinely curious.

What’s different is that you want the type system to be able to prove whether an input is even or odd… so, the need to extend the type system to handle inductive types.

This is about proofs in the type system. Can Julia type system currently prove whether an element of Peano arithmetic is even or odd? Don’t think so, hence the thread.

I realise this is an old thread but my question may be useful for others.

The above OddInt structure and inner constructor (hendri54) do not work for me. I have spent much time on this and would really like to understand where I am going wrong.

I get “Error: Method Error: No method matching this oddball(::Int64)” …Julia 1.6

As far as I can tell, this oddball is trying to enforce OddInt (as expected). But the OddInt constructor is returning an Int64 type instead of an “OddInt” type.

Is there a workaround for this. I know I can achieve the same validation via a function. In my case I have many functions that deal with the same argument validation. I would like to enforce argument validation in each function using a custom type . In my case this should provide much more readable code.

Please start a new thread with the exact code that you’re using for this. I don’t see the issue that you’re describing

julia> struct OddInt
           value :: Int

           function OddInt(x :: Int)
               if isodd(x)
                   return new(x)
                   throw(DomainError(x, "is not odd"))

julia> OddInt(2)
ERROR: DomainError with 2:
is not odd
 [1] OddInt(x::Int64)
   @ Main ./REPL[5]:8
 [2] top-level scope
   @ REPL[6]:1

julia> OddInt(1)

Thanks for your help. I have started new thread with further explanation of when error is thrown.