Function accepting a parametric function

Hi all,

I am trying to port some code I inherited from Julia 0.6 (via Julia 0.7) into Julia v1.1. The code below worked in v0.6, but errors in v1.1. The approach/syntax is outside of my understanding, in fact I have trouble making a minimal toy example. I looked through the manual and other packages for examples that follow this design, but I couldn’t find anything quite like it.

This code:

function estimator_convergence_order(est::DerivativeEstimator{Dim}) where Dim
  @assert 1 ≤ Dim ≤ 3
  # ... (more code branching on the value of Dim below)

fails when accessing Dim (first line) with : UndefVarError: Dim not defined

The module has quite a bit of code that uses this design (not having to specify the number of dimensions in the function signature, but branching internally).

I’m not sure if this is a syntax issue, or a design issue, so any help would be appreciated.

It may be a failure somewhere else, since

struct DerivativeEstimator{Dim} end

function estimator_convergence_order(est::DerivativeEstimator{Dim}) where Dim
  @assert 1 ≤ Dim ≤ 3
  # ... (more code branching on the value of Dim below)


works fine in Julia 1.x.

You should work through the manual up to at least the Methods chapter.

Thanks! I’ll build up the toy example now to find where the issue is.