I just created a new Arch Linux install, and while on my old Arch Linux install my Julia scripts run fine, on this fresh install this one keeps returning the error:
UndefVarError: backend not defined
[1] pygui(::Bool) at /home/fusion809/.julia/packages/PyPlot/XHEG0/src/init.jl:221
[2] top-level scope at /data/GitHub/mine/math/julia-scripts/SLE/airy-linear.jl:21
[3] macro expansion at ./util.jl:175 [inlined]
[4] top-level scope at ./In[7]:1
Naturally, you may be asking whether it’s a missing dependency issue, which was my first thought too. But I have:
installed, I also have this ~/.matplotlibrc file:
font.family : serif
font.serif : Times, Palatino, New Century Schoolbook, Bookman, Computer Modern Roman
font.sans-serif : Helvetica, Avant Garde, Computer Modern Sans serif
font.cursive : Zapf Chancery
font.monospace : Courier, Computer Modern Typewriter
text.usetex : true
. If it is relevant, I am trying to execute this Julia script through JupyterLab (i.e. I have a cell in JupyterLab that runs: @time include("airy-linear.jl")
). Any one have any ideas how I can rectify this issue? I am stumped at this point.