this is a follow up post to Differential evolution MCMC in Julia?
I want to try HMC/Nuts (via DynamicHMC.jl or AdvancedHMC.jl) because the algorithms may be more efficient than Differential Evolution MCMC.
I tried to use ForwardDiff.jl to calculate the gradient of my model (change in parameter values → change in log density). I have 19 parameters at the moment. For a subset of my model this is working (I excluded one process). However, for the full my model I get NaNs
for the gradient with ForwardDiff.jl. With FiniteDifferences.jl it is working but slow (12 seconds for one gradient evaluation).
I already turned on the NaN safe option of ForwardDiff.jl: set_preferences!(ForwardDiff, "nansafe_mode" => true)
. For me it is not clear how to debug the resulting NaNs from ForwardDiff.jl.
I checked: Diagnosing NaNs from ForwardDiff
and saw that ForwardDiff.partials(x)
turned to NaN at some point for some variables:
Wsc = W > WHC ? 1.0 : W > PWP ? (W - PWP) / (WHC - PWP) : 0.0
@. Wp = biomass_density_factor /
(1 + exp(β_pet * u"d/mm" * (PET - α_pet)) / (1/(1-Wsc) - 1))
@. W_sla = 1 - δ_sla + δ_sla / (1 + exp(-β_sla * (Wp - H_sla)))
@. W_rsa = 1 - δ_wrsa + (K_wrsa + δ_wrsa - 1) / (1 + exp(-β_rsa * (Wp - H_rsa)))
@. Waterred = W_sla * W_rsa
I think that the partials of the variable Wp
was one of the first that turned to NaN.
I also noticed that the VSCode debugger is not working with ForwardDiff.jl (the execution should stop at a breakpoint when it is started with @run
I use Unitful.jl (only within the model, the parameters and the logdensity do not have units) and DimensionalData.jl in my model. I guess that this is not a problem?
Here is the full program (I wasn’t able to reproduce the NaNs with a smaller program):
import Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/felixnoessler/GrasslandTraitSim.jl")
Pkg.add(["ForwardDiff", "TransformedLogDensities", "LogDensityProblems", "TransformVariables", "FiniteDifferences", "LogDensityProblemsAD"])
import GrasslandTraitSim as sim
import GrasslandTraitSim.Valid as valid
import GrasslandTraitSim.Vis as vis
using ForwardDiff
using TransformedLogDensities, LogDensityProblems
using TransformVariables
using FiniteDifferences
using LogDensityProblemsAD
trait_input = vis.load_trait_data(valid)
input_objs = valid.validation_input_plots(;
plotIDs = ["HEG01"],
nspecies = length(trait_input.sla));
valid_data = valid.get_validation_data_plots(;
plotIDs = ["HEG01"]);
model_parameter = valid.model_parameters(; );
inf_p = (; zip(Symbol.(model_parameter.names), model_parameter.best)...);
function my_loglik(inf_p)
loglik = valid.loglikelihood_model(
sim; input_objs, valid_data, plotID = "HEG01", inf_p,
return loglik
struct V
function (problem::V)(θ)
lprior = valid.prior_logpdf(model_parameter, collect(θ))
if isinf(lprior)
return -Inf
return lprior + my_loglik(θ)
problem = V()
ℓ = TransformedLogDensity(model_parameter.t, problem)
∇ℓ = ADgradient(:FiniteDifferences, ℓ)
∇l = ADgradient(:ForwardDiff, ℓ)
x_test = TransformVariables.inverse(model_parameter.t, inf_p)
@time LogDensityProblems.logdensity(ℓ, x_test)
@time LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient(∇ℓ, x_test)
@time LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient(∇l, x_test)
Sorry, for this not so trivial problem! I am not an expert in automatic differentiation.