I want to print the elements of an array of floating point numbers in the same format. In Python/Numpy, I do:
np.set_printoptions(formatter={‘float’: ‘{: 10.6f}’.format, ‘complexfloat’: ‘{: 10.6f}’.format})
and the simple command “print someArray” will print the elements of an array in a uniform format.
For example, I want arr = [1.0 2.583] to be printed as [1.000 2.583] rather than [1.0 2.583].
Is it possible to do this in Julia?
In theory you can do something like this:
julia> a = randn(4, 4)
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
-1.93222 -0.427925 -0.502227 0.522741
0.240474 -1.13067 1.68355 0.839821
1.79882 0.918598 1.28506 -1.38715
0.0540847 0.197535 -0.204077 -0.282407
julia> Base.show(io::IO, f::Float64) = @printf io "%1.3f" f
julia> a
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
-1.932 -0.428 -0.502 0.523
0.240 -1.131 1.684 0.840
1.799 0.919 1.285 -1.387
0.054 0.198 -0.204 -0.282
but I don’t know whether it’s recommended, or indeed how to undo it… 
This is what I was looking for.
Cool. Let us know of your experiences! (And choose your format string carefully, that one was just plucked from thin air.
It’s not recommended to do it this way. See https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/20509 for an issue whose fix can make this much nicer.
Perhaps the docs should contain some warnings about using this method on built-in types?