Nothing (pun intended) “surprised” me a little bit…
foo = nothing
for x in foo
println("should not see this")
Instead of silently skipping the whole for x block, I got ERROR: MethodError: no method matching iterate(::Nothing). Nothing ( xD ) I can’t work with, but I (hoped? expected?) ‘for’-loop’d treat Nothing as an empty/zero iterator.
P.S.: this isn’t a question, just a brief observation.
The error makes sense to me - nothing can be seen here as “no thing” to iterate over, which is not the same as an empty collection. Having it iterable would imo only lead to more confusing behavior like
Oh, aye, that’d be weird indeed. I certainly can live with how it is right now anyway - was just tinkering with a thought of using e.g. Union{Nothing, Vector{...}} style at a few parts of code (but there’s simpler ways in existence than messing with that beehive, I know).
Yeah, that’s its intended use! You can use something to access e.g. a field with that type. Sometimes I wish it’d only unpack Some, but alas, that’s not the world we live in and changing that behavior is breaking.
Note also that you’re iterating the type Nothing here, while nothing is the corresponding singleton value. Although your error message fits iterating nothing, so maybe it was just a copy error.