From the docs for ==
New numeric types should implement this function for two arguments of the new type, and handle comparison to other types via promotion rules where possible.
So I tried this:
struct A
struct B
Base.convert(::Type{A}, s::B) = A(float(B.x))
Base.:(==)(x::A, y::A) = x.x == y.x
Base.:(==)(x::B, y::B) = x.x == y.x
Base.promote_rule(::Type{A}, ::Type{B}) = A
But A(1) == B(1)
returns false, because it is falling back to ===
From the documentation I was expecting that the promotion would occur here and then A(1) == B(1)
would be true.
Did I misread the docs here? What’s the proper way to handle this? Do I have to define
Base.:(==)(x::A, y::B) = x.x == y.x
Base.:(==)(x::B, y::A) = x.x == y.x
as well?