[`foo`](@ref) to auto-link the Julia manual on discourse?

I don’t think this is possible. The tools in our toolbox here are pretty limited, and I think Documenter’s @ref needs something fairly advanced.

There are really only two tools we have:

  • We have the Auto linkify words theme component that simply adds a link underneath text that you wrote — like ModelingToolkit.jl — without needing to explicitly write out the [](...) markdown. But that doesn’t change the text that appears, it just adds a link to it. You can use regexes there.

  • We also have the builtin “Replace” functionality from “Watched Words”, which can actually replace text that’s written, but as our site is currently hosted it doesn’t even support regexes or matches. It’s just a straight-up plain-text find/replace.

But then there’s the bigger question about packages: How could I know how to link to CSV.read or Random.rand!? Perhaps there’s a missing Documenter.jl (and maybe DocumentationGenerator.jl) feature here: provide a URL endpoint like example.com/base/path/to/docs/stable/api/Module.function that will redirect to the place where that docstring lives.