Hello community,
I am trying to create easy example using LSTM model. The idea is that model should predict sinus signal. I expected that it is really easy task and it will be done in second. However I am still not able to find good way that would do at least something meaningful. Here is what I recently tried:
train_data = [sin.(0+i:0.1:1+i) for i in 0:num_samples]
train_labels = [sin.(0+i+1:0.1:1+i+1) for i in 0:num_samples]
m = Chain(LSTM(1,16), LSTM(16,1))
function loss(x, y)
out = sum(Flux.mse.(m.(x), y))
ps = params(m)
function evalcb()
@show(sum(loss.(train_data, train_labels)))
opt = ADAM();
@epochs 100 Flux.train!(loss, ps, zip(train_data, train_labels), opt, cb = Flux.throttle(evalcb, 60))
This will make a model that is not able to predict sinus function
However I would like to firstly ask if I use good input data? Is it type Array{Array{Float64,1},1} correct? Is it correct way how to create a sequence of data?
The second things is when I call a model like:
Why it returns Array{Array{Float64,2},1}? I mean why LSTM returns 2 dimensional array?
I have already went through lot of information about LSTM but practical use in Julia is something I do not understand at all.
After all, non - reccurent networks works pretty good in Flux
I will be really happy if somebody can give me some hint what to do.
Thank you.