I have 1D data which I can successfully train and test with all to all connected 3 layer model as below:
function build_model_ffn(; nclasses=2)
return Chain(
Dense(99, 48, relu),
Dense(48, 24, relu),
Dense(24, 12, relu),
Dense(12, nclasses))
I am currently trying to adapt the 1D data to CNN by converting it into a (33, 3, 1) with 1 channel (reshaping the input data), using the following model for training:
function build_model_dnn(; nclasses=2)
return Chain(
Conv((3,3), 1=>1, relu, pad=(1,1)),
Dense(11, 5, relu),
Dense(5, nclasses)
The core functionality of training and testing is adapted from the model zoo feed forward example and remains the same for both the above models. While the first one, build_model_ffn
runs successfully, the latter fails with a scalar indexing error. I also tried adapting the convolution layer to be 1D which results in the same error. It would be helpful to know any insights on the error resulting in a successful run of the second model.
The following includes more details of the error: