Flattening YFinance.jl JSON result into a DataFrame

I don’t want to veer too much into self-promotion, but since we didn’t have a working example previously, I did want to clarify what ExpandNestedData can do:

# same jdata string as rocco_sprmnt21
julia> using ExpandNesteData
julia> jsobj =  JSON3.read(jdata)
julia> ExpandNestedData.expand(jsobj) |> DataFrame
7×6 DataFrame
 Row │ friends_hobbies_name  friends_salary  name    salary  friends_hobbies_frequency  friends_name 
     │ String?               Int64           String  Int64   Union{Missing, Int64}      String       
   1 │ missing                        10000  bob      13000                    missing  sarah        
   2 │ missing                         5000  bob      13000                    missing  bill
   3 │ missing                        10000  marge    10000                    missing  rhonda       
   4 │ surfing                         5000  marge    10000                         10  mike
   5 │ surfing                         5000  marge    10000                         15  mike
   6 │ missing                        10000  joe      10000                    missing  harry
   7 │ missing                         5000  joe      10000                    missing  sally

Or we can specify what paths we want:

julia> column_set = [
       Main.ExpandNestedData.expand(jsobj,column_set) |> DataFrame
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ name    salary 
     │ String  Int64  
   1 │ bob      13000
   2 │ marge    10000
   3 │ joe      10000

Having done no profiling, it is almost 100% certain that @rocco_sprmnt21’s solution will outperform ExpandNestedData, but for adhoc scripts or things where the JSON isn’t too big, it’s much easier that writing a custom function each time. Plus it works for all sorts of nested things: structs, XMLDict, etc. So if you are unfamiliar with the object topology, it makes it very easy to get it into a table :slight_smile:

Edit: just realized that @rocco_sprmnt21 's generic too. I guess we’ll have to profile them now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: