I have an Expr that comes to me looking like this:
except that my actual Exprs have 100s of terms, each of which is a complicated expression (which may involve products with further sums that I don’t want to expand at this level).
Now I actually want to iterate over each term individually and apply some function to each term. Is there an elegant/robust way to do so?
My instinct is to try to turn that expression into a “flattened” version making use of the associativity:
When I do that, I can just iterate over expr.args[2:end]. Is this the best approach?
Ideally, I’d like to be able to handle either form without having to worry about it.
Thanks for your reply. I certainly use MacroTools most of the time. The problem is how to stop it from going too far.
I guess my question in your framing would be: How do I stop postwalk (or prewalk) from going further down a branch in that tree if any of the operations is something other than (+)?
So, for example, if my Expr were
how would I ensure that my processing function receives as arguments 1, a*(b+c), and 3, but not(b+c), b, or c?
This is indeed a bit more involved. You could either use the underlying walk function that is used by both prewalk and postwalk under the hood or insert and strip a marker to prevent prewalk from stepping further down in your expression:
julia> using MacroTools
julia> e = :((+)((+)(1,a*(b+c)),3))
:((1 + a * (b + c)) + 3)
julia> struct StopHere
julia> MacroTools.postwalk(x -> if x isa StopHere x.stuff else x end,
MacroTools.prewalk(x -> if iscall(x, :+) x else println(x); StopHere(x) end,
a * (b + c)
:((1 + a * (b + c)) + 3)
First, let’s just review the reason for args[1:i₊-1]. It’s to capture any part of the expression before the first “add” within the outer “add”. In your case, the expression is :((+)((+)(1,a*(b+c)),3)). The very first thing inside the outer “add” is another “add”, so it makes sense that args[1:i₊-1] is empty. If I add an x before that first nested “add”, like :((+)(x,(+)(1,a*(b+c)),3)), you get a non-empty array there.
Next, step back and remember what a semicolon does inside a vector constructor: it does vertical concatenation. But concatenating an empty array with other things is (almost) the same as concatenating those other things. Take a simple example:
The only difference is the eltype of those vectors, but the elements themselves are the same in both cases. (In performance-critical code, of course, we would work harder for type stability, but I’m not worried.)
So, when args′ is constructed by concatenating that empty vector, it basically just disappears, and args′[2] is actually referring to args[i₊].args[2].