It looks like returning -1 would make the check simpler. Although I do agree that it’s inconsistent with the way Julia represents nullable values (as a Union{Something,Nothing}).
Sorry, I think I’m missing your point. Probably my fault as I frankly can’t compute that code in my head. It’s an actual example of a complex sequence of find* and something. If I’m using them wrong and the code can be refactored, my apologies. Otherwise, I wish there was a simpler way, that snippet is painful to reason about.
As far as I can tell, the solution @kristoffer.carlsson is referring to and what you are looking for works like this:
res = findfirst("multipart/form-data", get(headers, "Content-Type", ""))
if !isnothing(res) #alternatively use !==nothing
println("Found at $res !!")
println("Darn, no such field...")
find* returns Union{Nothing,T} and as long as nothing is not a valid value for T you can simply check for it as in the example I gave, to find out if an occurence was found.
If nothing is a valid value for T on the other hand, then you need to encapsulate the values of T (like with something(.)) and thus make the new type again distinguishable from Nothing.
The whole logic now works in fact like the iteration protocol in that it uses the relevant type when found and nothing when not found/at end. This works that smooth thanks to some optimizations in the compiler. And the “new” iteration protocol is very smooth in my opinion ^^