Find the position of a single non-matching character between two strings

To find the position of a single non-matching character between two strings:

s1 = "part1_Z_part2.txt"
s2 = "part1_Y_part2.txt"

ix = findfirst([!=(c[1],c[2]) for c in zip(s1,s2)])

Is there a simpler way to write findfirst without creating the temporary vector? Is there a better way?

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Maybe the definition of simple can be discussed, if plain old for loop are an option, then the following code works, is readable and doesn’t allocate. (But it is not a one-liner :wink: )

function firstdiff(s1, s2)

  if length(s1) != length(s2)
    return min(length(s1), length(s2)) + 1

  for (i,(c1,c2)) in enumerate(zip(s1,s2))
    if c1 != c2
      return i

  return 0 

(Oh, I just noted your profile name, so it wasn’t a beginner question. For sure that solution was obvious to you anyway :see_no_evil: )


It is definitely better and it is simple, but not simpler.

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Ok, I have an obscure, (not simple), non-allocating one…

minimum( (a==b) ? typemax(Int64) : i for (i,(a,b)) in enumerate(zip(s1,s2)) )

:smiley: [It’s somehow surprisingly funny/difficult to find a good one-liner given how simple the question is.]

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No access to computer here, but does it work with a generator instead of an array comprehension? I suspect it requires indexing, though.

It doesn’t, as you suspect. findall needs keys to get the index to return, and keys isn’t defined for zip (related (stale) issue)

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Somehow not…

julia> findfirst( a!=b for (a,b) in zip(s1,s2) )
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching keys(::Base.Iterators.Zip{Tuple{String, String}})
Closest candidates are:
  keys(::IndexStyle, ::AbstractArray, ::AbstractArray...) at ~/julia/1.7.3/share/julia/base/abstractarray.jl:350
  keys(::Tuple) at ~/julia/1.7.3/share/julia/base/tuple.jl:72
  keys(::Tuple, ::Tuple...) at ~/julia/1.7.3/share/julia/base/tuple.jl:77

With @digital_carver / @DNF hints of why zip makes trouble… so that would work and not allocate:

findfirst( s1[i] != s2[i] for i in 1:min(length(s1),length(s2)) )
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With the caveat that this only works for ASCII strings. For eg.

julia> s1 = "caféteria"; s2 = "cafémeria";

julia> findfirst( s1[i] != s2[i] for i in 1:min(length(s1),length(s2)) )
ERROR: StringIndexError: invalid index [5], valid nearby indices [4]=>'Ă©', [6]=>'t'
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Actually as I haved asked this with file names in mind, that are similar but for one letter, I guess Unicode should be allowed too.

Good catch… Uff. Does this count? (Anyway, I should work on my thesis, so I will give up, curious what tricks people will find.)

ind = for (i,(a,b)) in enumerate(zip(s1,s2));  a == b || return i; end

Note that for String you can probably do better (performance-wise) by comparing bytes in the codeunits(s1) and codeunits(s2) arrays, then converting the resulting byte index back to a string index with thisind.

That does the trick, works for the Unicode character strings too. Basically a shortened version of your original function, without the length check. That also means that when the lengths are different with one of them being a substring of the other, for eg. “julia” and “julialang”, it returns nothing - not sure if that’s okay or not for @rafael.guerra 's use case.

(Tangential, but I couldn’t find this return in a for loop documented in the manual section on loops or in REPL docstrings. Does it only work in global scope, where can I find more about it?)

Nope, none of the solutions in this thread so far have been correct for Unicode; they confuse character indices (ala enumerate) with string indices.

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Oh yeah, I was gonna mention that in a now-abandoned post. By string indices you mean byte indices I presume? If it’s something user-facing, graphemes may also be the thing to consider.

I mean indices that you can actually use to index into the string, i.e. an index i where s1[i] != s2[i] is valid, so you can use it for subsequent processing. Yes, technically this is a codeunit index (a byte index for String).

For example, this implementation is both faster than anything posted so far and is correct for Unicode (in that it returns a valid index or nothing), though it doesn’t take Unicode normalization into account:

const UTF8String = Union{String,SubString{String}}
function firstdiff_index(s1::UTF8String, s2::UTF8String)
    c1, c2 = codeunits(s1), codeunits(s2)
    @inbounds for i in 1:min(length(c1),length(c2))
        c1[i] != c2[i] && return thisind(s1, i)
    return nothing

What would the user do with a grapheme index?


If I’m not mistaken, @SteffenPL got the simplest solution for ASCII strings in post#8, but only @stevengj’s solution provides correct answers for Unicode strings. Thanks to all.

findfirst(==(only(setdiff(s1,s2))), s1)
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This is > 50\times slower than a loop, and is also somewhat different from the other solutions in that it fails if s1 and s2 differ in more than a single character, instead of returning the first mismatch.

Update: also incorrect as described below

Note that if you want something that works for arbitrary AbstractString subtypes (not just UTF-8 encodings), you could use:

function firstdiff_indices(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString)
    for ((i1, c1), (i2, c2)) in zip(pairs(s1), pairs(s2))
        c1 != c2 && return (i1, i2)
    return nothing

(Note that in this case you need to return two indices in general, since s1 and s2 might have different indexing schemes.) It’s non-allocating, but is about 5x slower than the byte-scan method for String.

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