Financial Data Wrangling / Cleaning / Joining / Filtering of large DataFrame tables

I’m looking to hire a freelance computer scientist (or student) that has some financial big-data experience with Julia DataFrames.jl and CSV.jl. I need help to pull this together while I’m working on other Julia projects. This will only take an hour here or there, or if the person has more available time I can make use of it.

Project Description
I need some help with data wrangling / cleaning / setup of some large \t delimited files downloaded from the SEC websites. Most of the work can be performed with julia base tools, CSV.jl, DataFrames.jl, maybe LinearAlgebra.jl and perhaps some statistics and plotting packages. By large files I mean files about 100+ MB in size (not huge). This is some personal research related to some self-published books I am writing.

If you’re interested, send me your name and schedule availability. This project is very flexible and can work around your current schedule.
