You should have seen a warning in the REPL when you first called save, something like this:
julia> using Plots, CairoMakie
julia> plot
WARNING: both CairoMakie and Plots export "plot"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: UndefVarError: `plot` not defined
Yes, it could be that you have not loaded anything else (we can’t check ), that would be a very strange bug indeed. Almost a Julia bug. Let me just say that from our perspective of helping new users in this forum, it’s much more likely that a user has overlooked something (startup files, env variables, old deved packages, etc.). So it’s not a critique of you per se, or that we don’t believe you. Just a very strong bayesian prior we’ve accumulated over time
Fair enough I accept the prior, but I really promise nothing else waw loaded. I suspect there was a misunderstanding, since I started from a script handed to me into visual studio then went to REPL. Of course it was not explicited, it’s on me. But my comment was more laughing than attacking.