To use quantities with units, packages need to be written in a generic way. You didnโt say where youโre getting the function fft from, but if itโs from say FFTW, then thatโs calling out to a library written in C, and that code can only handle a few hardware-supported numeric types like Float64. So you need to unwrap and rewrap your quantities to interface with such code, e.g. fft(ustrip.(u"m", trajectory)).
You can actually still get benefits from using units in this way though, e.g.
julia> x = rand(4)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> x_m = x * u"m"
4-element Vector{Quantity{Float64, ๐, Unitful.FreeUnits{(m,), ๐, nothing}}}:
0.16106228971764325 m
0.7034731999527042 m
0.6401812191825158 m
0.43054032170468615 m
julia> x_mm = x * u"mm"
4-element Vector{Quantity{Float64, ๐, Unitful.FreeUnits{(mm,), ๐, nothing}}}:
0.16106228971764325 mm
0.7034731999527042 mm
0.6401812191825158 mm
0.43054032170468615 mm
julia> ustrip.(u"m", x_m)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> ustrip.(u"m", x_mm)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
That is, ustrip will convert quantities to the type you specify before stripping off the unit, so that you can be sure what goes into fft has the units you expect.
Yes, absolutely. I guess it could still make sense to take the FFT of something like Any[1u"m", 1u"cm"], for which this trick would not work.
(And, I think fft copies real vectors to make complex ones before getting to work, in any case. So ideally one would do both steps at once, and reinterpret only dense arrays of unit-homogeneous complex numbers.)
Thatโs super useful! I was considering whether or not use to use units in a package where I wasnโt sure if the cost of allocating a new array was worth it, but this makes it basically free.
Would it make sense to put something like this in Unitful itself?
with_unit(v::AbstractArray, u::Unitful.Units) -> Base.ReinterpretArray{โฆ}
Creates a view of `v` in which each element has units given by `u`.
!!! warning
This does not perform any unit conversion or check the units of `v` first.
with_unit(v::AbstractArray, u::Unitful.Units) = reinterpret(typeof(one(eltype(v))*u), v)
You could even spell it x_m = reinterpret(u"m", x) so as not to need to remember a new name; perhaps a slight abuse but not piracy.
Should any existing functions default to this (when the array is suitable)? Unitful doesnโt seem to have much support for arrays, things like uconvert.(u"cm", x_m) and ustrip.(u"cm", x_m) are at present errors without the broadcasting.
I am struggling with the type of argument in the function
I would like to construct multiple dispatch function
for example:
>> a = rand(N) .*u"m*s^-2"
>> typeof(a)
Vector{Quantity{Float64, ๐ ๐^-2, Unitful.FreeUnits{(m, s^-2), ๐ ๐^-2, nothing}}}
function do_st_with_a(a)
do_st_with_a # units are not needed
function do_st_with_a(a:: Vector{Quantity{Float64, ๐ ๐^-2, Unitful.FreeUnits{(m, s^-2), ๐ ๐^-2, nothing}}})
do_st_with_a # units are needed
This give me an error: ERROR: syntax: missing comma or } in argument list
What type should I put to the second definition of the function to get multiple dispatch depending on presence of units in input array?