Fast iteration over rows of a DataFrame

Hi Rob @robsmith11 and all on this thread - might you have an insight or new approach here ?

So I took up the solution of using IndexedTables.jl for Fast Iterations over rows of a Dataframe
here. And then I proceeded to attempt to use IndexedTables for multidimensional 2D,3D (scatter) Plots
using IndexedTables to graph N-Dimensional data; but ran into issues trying to
collect the iterable for iter in eachindex(keys(tab_t1.index.columns))
because tab_t1.index.columns returns
ERROR: LoadError: type IndexedTable has no field index
as you’ll see when you run the Julia pseudocode listed here

Any new insights or approaches to getting the keys from tab_t1.index.columns ;
-or- another way to automatically graph general multidimensional 2D,3D,(? and 4D like ?) scatter Plots is appreciated.
