Failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for various packages

I am trying to run some jobs on my work cluster of the form:
julia -t 8 my_code.jl i
i is an integer between 1 to 12.

I keep getting this error:
Failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for MultivariatePolynomials/StaticArrays
Or something like a module is missing from the cache.

I have tried switching to 1.9-rc3 and precompiling all my packages. Large files are also dumped (core.dump* type files) into the working directory.

I have not experienced this problem before.

I have divided my code across multiple files for manageability. Is this a possible cause?

The problem seems to be linked to the concurrent deserialization of a particular file that each instance of the program would need to perform. By spacing out the job submissions, I have been able to circumvent this problem.