Extremely high first call latency Julia 1.6 versus 1.5 with multiphysics PDE solver

Then they might want to modify all @noinline methods in SparseMatrixAssemblers.jl adding a @nospecialize like so:

@noinline function _numeric_loop_vector!(vec,caches,cell_vals,cell_rows)
  add_cache, vals_cache, rows_cache = caches
  @assert length(cell_vals) == length(cell_rows)
  add! = AddEntriesMap(+)
  for cell in 1:length(cell_rows)
    rows = getindex!(rows_cache,cell_rows,cell)
    vals = getindex!(vals_cache,cell_vals,cell)

This seems to make things workable again for me on Julia 1.7.0-rc3. But be aware of this open issue.

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