Experience report after finishing a (reasonably substantial) Julia project in 2024

Isn’t this the very purpose of moving packages out from the standard library, like e.g. SparseArrays? This doesn’t prevent this package from being part of the standard library, and yet allowing for easier iterations.

So why not for other (very) important packages like CSV.jl and JSON3.jl? This would greatly help their discoverability for newcomers, and give them some easy-win confidence in using this language.

To back up with an anecdote, when I first started to use Julia for scripts, I was very confused that there were no “simple” way to use .csv and .json files (at least to my back-then-rookie eyes). It’s only because I reeeally wanted to use Julia for other reasons that I persisted, instead of using Python (which I news quite well for such application at the time).


I think with the change to stdlib packages as behaving more like a “bundled set of default-availible packages” (that you can still use newer/older versions of) there is an argument that can be made for a “slim base, fat stdlib” approach in Julia.


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