Example of registering a finalizer for unsafe_wrapped data from ccall

Hi, I’m using ccall on a C library that returns a pointer to some data that was malloced in the library and requires a separate API call to close the resource that the data came from. The dataset could be quite large (a couple of GB) so I’d rather use unsafe_wrap in julia, but I’m not familiar with how to implement finalizers. The julia docs imply that a finalizer can only be registered for a mutable struct. Here’s a fictional gist of my application:

function getCdata(recordNum::Integer)
    handle = @ccall mylib.openRecord(recordNum::Cint)::Cint
    if handle < 0
        error("failed to open record ", recordNum)
    leng = @ccall mylib.getRecordSize(handle::Cint)::Cint
    dataPtr = @ccall mylib.getRecordData(handle::Cint)::Ptr{UInt8}
    dataRef = unsafe_wrap(Array, dataPtr, leng)
    closefunc() = @ccall mylib.closeRecord(handle::Cint)::Cvoid
    return (dataRef,closefunc)

So the function opens a record via the c library and wraps the array in dataRef. It also returns a closure that can call the api close function, but how do I arrange that the garbage collector will call this (or do something to the same effect) when I’m done using dataRef?

Should be

return finalizer(dataRef) do ref

Wow, thanks, that was simpler than expected. So do you know if I need the closure function at all or can I use the do block for this directly, i.e.

return finalizer(dataRef) do
    @ccall mylib.closeRecord(handle::Cint)::Cvoid

or would the handle go out of context?

I think that’s fine.

OK thanks again. Well, it looks like the finalizer was registered but threw an error on julia exit. Not sure if it’s me or a julia bug.

error in running finalizer: MethodError(f=Main.var"#6#7"{Int32}(handle=5), args=(Array{UInt8, 1}(dims=(191554446,), mem=Memory{UInt8}(191554446, 0x7f377f318010)[0x89, 0x48, 0x44, 0x46, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, … (screenfuls of numbers ad nauseum, probably dumping the entire memory block)

I think the passed closure requires one argument (see the MWE in the docstring of finalizer; was my bad, I updated the above answer). Try

return finalizer(dataRef) do ref
    @ccall mylib.closeRecord(handle::Cint)::Cvoid

Thanks, that worked, albeit surprisingly. I think this relates back to my original question: the help text indicates that finalizers can only be registered for mutable struct types. This seems quite restrictive. In the above example dataRef is just an array, so I’m surprised I “got away with it”.
I don’t find the finalizer docstring examples really that helpful because they only show the use of a finalizer to produce a debug statement, not how it could be used in practice for really “finalizing” an object

Arrays qualify, although they are more magical than your typical mutable struct, in particular before Julia 1.11.

julia> ismutabletype(Array)

julia> isstructtype(Array)

Ah, that explains it! I didn’t expect that.

In Julia 1.11 I think this should be:

return finalizer(dataRef.ref.mem) do x

Because the wrapping Array can get finalized while the underlying memory is still being used.
This is what Mmap.jl does.

Another tricky thing is that as far as I can tell, finalizers can be concurrently run on different threads, so you need to ensure the C library is thread-safe for this to work. PythonCall.jl has some example finalizers for dealing with non-thread-safe C libraries.

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