Example of hierarchical model in Turing

Hi all-

I have been looking for an example of a hierarchical model in Turing.jl but have not found one. I was wondering if anyone has an example or could show me how to implement a simple example, such as a hierarchical binomial model. Thanks.

Hi Chris,

Have you looked at the models Richard Torkar did from StatisticalRethinking in chapter 12?

Best, Rob

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Hi Rob-

Thanks for your response. It looks like the link is broken. Only chapters 1-5 are available. Is chapter 12 private?


I’m not sure what happened. The material appears to have been recently made available. Thanks for the info. This is exactly what I was looking for and might be useful to other people using Turing. Do you think they should include a link to your repository?

Hi Chris,

Yes, Richard and I are still working hard to get this all ‘under control’. All chapter versions and notebook versions are generated via Literate.jl. For Turing that does not always work because of constraints on Travis, so I need to do those by hand and occasionally I forget that after an update.

In the scripts directory all (completed, up to chapter 13) models are available, typically at the moment as scripts/08/m8.1.jl, but in the future I’ll rename those to m8.1t.jl as I will add the Stan versions as m8.1s,jl.

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Excellent. Thanks again, Rob. These examples are really useful.

Should be fixed now.

Rob J Goedman

Is there an updated link? Seems to be broken. @goedman


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Another option is here.

Edit: or above repo using Pluto.