I’m really new to Julia, sorry about it.
After following the docs regarding Types, I was wondering how to build an explicit example, if possible, for the following type:
const T3 = Array{Array{T, 1} where T <: Real, 1}
T3 is “derived” from the type T1 given in Types · The Julia Language
Sure I can define:
a = T3() # returns the empty vector
but I’m not able to find/build up a more non-trivial example.
In a previous similar topic
(Correct argument type for ::Array{Array{<:Real,1},1}))
I could see that:
Array{Array{<:Real,1}, 1} === Array{Array{T,1} where T<:Real, 1} # returns true
Array{<:Real,1} === Array{T,1} where T<:Real # returns false
Array{Float64, 1} <: Array{<:Real, 1} # returns true
Array{Float64,1} <: Array{T,1} where T<:Real # returns true
I’m still a bit confused, sorry!
Thanks a lot for your help.