Example for Linear Quadratic Gaussion control design


My colleague and me wrote the following example for LQG design of a speed controller of a DC motor:

using ControlSystems
Example for designing an LQG speed controller for an electrical DC motor.

# Constants
Ke = 0.006156                                # electromotive force constant in V/rpm
Kt                      = 0.0728             # Torque constant (Nm/A)
J                       = 2.8*700e-6;        # Inertia of motor plus load (kgm^2)
Rel                     = 0.11;              # DC motor resistance (Ξ©)
L                       = 34e-6;             # DC motor inductance (H)

# helper to convert a scalar into an 1x1 Matrix
mat(sc) = reshape([sc],1,1)

# Create an instance of a DC motor model in state space form.
# Ke: electromotive force constant in V/rpm
# Kt: torque constant (Nm/A)
# L: Inductance; R: Resistance, J: Inertia; b: viscous friction coefficient
function motor(Ke, Kt, L, R, J, b=1e-3)
    Ke1 = Ke*60.0/2Ο€   # change unit to rad/s
    A = [-b/J     Kt/J
         -Ke1/L   -R/L];
    B = [0
    C = [1     0];
    D = 0;
    sys = ss(A, B, C, D);

p60 = motor(Ke, Kt, L, Rel, J)
stepplot(p60, 0.2, 0.001)

# LQR control
Q = [1.     0;
     0      1]

R = 20.
K = lqr(p60.A, p60.B, Q, R)
# needs to be modified if Nbar is not a scalar
Nbar = 1. / (p60.D - (p60.C - p60.D*K) * inv(p60.A - p60.B*K) * p60.B)

# Kalman filter based observer
Vd = [10.     0   # covariance of the speed estimation
     0       10]; # covariance of the current estimation
Vn = 0.04;       # covariance for the speed measurement (radians/s)^2
G = LQG(p60, Q, mat(R), Vd, mat(Vn))
Gcl = G[:cl]
T = G[:T]
S = G[:S];
f1 = sigmaplot([S,T],logspace(-3,3,1000))
f2 = stepplot(Gcl, label=["Closed loop system using LQG"])

It requires to use the master branch of ControlSystems.jl.


Any suggestions how to simplify or improve this code?
For example, is the gain Nbar also available using the LQG type?

Extra question: Is it possible to get more then one plot window?


Here’s how your example would look now

using ControlSystemsBase, RobustAndOptimalControl, LinearAlgebra, Plots

# Constants
Ke = 0.006156                                # electromotive force constant in V/rpm
Kt                      = 0.0728             # Torque constant (Nm/A)
J                       = 2.8*700e-6;        # Inertia of motor plus load (kgm^2)
Rel                     = 0.11;              # DC motor resistance (Ξ©)
L                       = 34e-6;             # DC motor inductance (H)

# Create an instance of a DC motor model in state space form.
# Ke: electromotive force constant in V/rpm
# Kt: torque constant (Nm/A)
# L: Inductance; R: Resistance, J: Inertia; b: viscous friction coefficient
function motor(Ke, Kt, L, R, J, b=1e-3)
    Ke1 = Ke*60.0/2Ο€   # change unit to rad/s
    A = [-b/J     Kt/J
         -Ke1/L   -R/L];
    B = [0
    C = [1     0];
    D = 0;
    sys = ss(A, B, C, D);

p60 = motor(Ke, Kt, L, Rel, J)
plot(step(p60, 0:0.001:0.2, method=:zoh))

# LQR control
Q = [1.     0;
     0      1]

R = 20.0I(1)
K = lqr(p60, Q, R)
# needs to be modified if NΜ„ is not a scalar
NΜ„ = [1.] / (p60.D - (p60.C - p60.D*K) * inv(p60.A - p60.B*K) * p60.B)

# Kalman filter based observer
Vd = [10.     0   # covariance of the speed estimation
     0       10]; # covariance of the current estimation
Vn = 0.04I(1);       # covariance for the speed measurement (radians/s)^2
# G = LQGProblem(ExtendedStateSpace(p60, C1=I(2), B1=I(2)), Q, R, Vd, Vn)
G = LQGProblem(ExtendedStateSpace(p60, C1=I(2), B1=I(2)), Q, R, Vd, Vn)
Gclwz = lft(G) # Transfer function from disturbance inputs to controlled outputs
Gcl = closedloop(G) # Transfer function from reference inputs to controlled outputs

T = output_comp_sensitivity(G) 
S = output_sensitivity(G);

logspace(l,u,n) = exp10.(range(l, u, length=n))
f1 = sigmaplot([S,T],logspace(-3,4,1000))
f2 = plot(step(T*inv(dcgain(T)[]), 0:0.01:2, method=:zoh), title=["Closed loop system using LQG"])
f2 = plot(step(Gcl*NΜ„[], 0:0.01:2, method=:zoh), title=["Closed loop system using LQG"])

using Test
@test static_gain_compensation(ssdata(p60)..., lqr(G)) β‰ˆ NΜ„

Different authors define the β€œclosed-loop transfer function” in the LQG context differently, the function static_gain_compensation follows the definition of Gland and Ljung, see closedloop for more details. See also ExtendedStateSpace for how the two-input, two-output system depicted below works

z  β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”  w
◄───     │◄──
   β”‚  P  β”‚
β”Œβ”€β”€β”€     │◄─┐
β”‚y β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜ uβ”‚
β”‚           β”‚
β”‚  β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”  β”‚
β”‚  β”‚     β”‚  β”‚
└─►│  K  β”œβ”€β”€β”˜
   β”‚     β”‚
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Thank you very much! :grinning: