Examining an older and simpler version of Julia

I haven’t been around quite that long, but here are a few interesting points to look at:

You can get a nice view of the earliest history by running git log --follow FILE (and then shift-G to go to the end).

That said, don’t spend too much time looking at the history. It is an interesting idea as a way to get a handle on small pieces, but much of the code has changed.

A few other comments:

  • read the dev docs!
  • watch Jeff’s internals talk from 2014. There have been other related talks at JuliaCon since then.
  • if you don’t have any compiler background, from personal experience I can recommend not trying to learn compiler theory by osmosis. I wish I had read Appel much sooner than I did. There are many interesting compilations of free resources you will come across on stackexchange/hacker news/etc., and I had read some of those – but frankly there is no substitute for a good book.
  • don’t try to learn Lisp/Scheme using flisp. Racket is close enough to be transferrable, but has a more user-friendly environment and many more resources.

(FYI: in the future, please don’t @-blast people with general questions. It’s kind of bad form)