'EstimationProblem' not defined

I am following this Example to reinterpolated on a regular grid. When I try these part of line after insatalling all required packages, including GeoStats and GeophysicalModelGenerator.

Cgrid = CartesianGrid((size(Lon,1),size(Lon,2)),(minimum(Lon),minimum(Lat)),(Lon[2,2,2]-Lon[1,1,1],Lat[2,2,2]-Lat[1,1,1]));
coord = PointSet([lon[ind]'; lat[ind]']);
Geo   = georef((Vs=Vs[ind],), coord);

P = EstimationProblem(Geo, Cgrid, :Vs)

I got following error

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: EstimationProblem not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ ~/Desktop/UNIBO/Julia_tutorials/WSGF/ABBAS_Vp.jl:40
[2] include(fname::String)
@ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:489
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[18]:1
in expression starting at ./WSGF/ABBAS_Vp.jl:40

Is there any way to further sort out this problem? I did not provide the whole script as I am exactly following the above example.
Thank you !

I looked through the JuliaEarth ecosystem and could not find a place where EstimationProblem is defined. It seems like the documentation has an error. It might be worth submitting an issue on GitHub.

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