I’m trying to run the code from the latest Julialang.org blog
Composability in Julia: Implementing Deep Equilibrium Models via Neural ODEs
Composability in Julia: Implementing Deep Equilibrium Models via Neural ODEs
21 October 2021 | Qiyao Wei, Frank Schäfer, Avik Pal, Chris Rackauckas
I’ve added the packages, pasted the code into VS Code and tried to run it.
The code gives me an error on the following lines:
Flux.train!(loss, Flux.params(deq), ((X, Y),), opt)
model, train_loader, test_loader = train(batchsize = 128, epochs = 1);
The error I get is for both lines:
Returns:ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Nothing) used in boolean context
Where do I start trying to resolve this? I can see 3 places to start:
- I’m making a newbie error with my Julia set up
- I’ve not got the right packages or package versions installed
- There is a typo in the code
If it is is the latter think it might have something to do with there being nothing after the comma here: ((X, Y),)
I’ve upgraded to 1.6.3 and updated all of my packages.
The last blog post with the fish animation worked ok.