Hello all,
I would like to know which a way to build errobar plot in AoG. For example if I have a dataframe with columns
r, v, dr, dv
where dr and dv are the corresponding errors.
And also with columns
r, v, dr, dv_up, dv_down
for asymmetric vertical errors.
I have tried with the following:
fig = Figure(resolution = size_pt, fontsize = 37)
gridpos = fig[1, 1]
grp = dims(1) => renamer(labels) => ""
plt = data(df_models) *
mapping(:r => L"r~[\textrm{kpc}]", [2,3] .=> L"v_{\textrm{circ}}~[\textrm{km s}^{-1}]";
color = grp,
linestyle = grp
) *
visual(Lines, linewidth=lw)
f = draw!(gridpos, plt, axis=(;limits=((0,40),(0,300)),
xgridvisible=false, ygridvisible=false))
legend!(gridpos, f; tellwidth=false, halign=:center, valign=:bottom, margin=(10, 10, 10, 10), patchsize=(50,35))
ax = Axis(gridpos)
errorbars!(ax,df_Sof13.r, df_Sof13.err_v; whiskerwidth = 12)
but it produces two overlapping axis in the plot. I want all the curves to have the same axis.
Thank you very much in advance.