I tried to solve the ODE problem with NeuralPDE on Jupyter notebook, and the code ran when I used the older version of Julia and packages (version 1.9.0 and I forgot the version of packages).
I updated all packages yesterday, and when I ran the code again an error occurs following:
MethodError: no method matching cos(::Matrix{Float64})
You may have intended to import Base.cos
Which is not occur before I update packages.
I tried to use the older version and packages in Julia which has information as follows:
Julia version 1.8.5.
ModelingToolkit v8.50.0
Lux v0.4.37
NeuralPDE v5.6.1
Optimization v3.15.2
OptimizationOptimJL v0.1.9
and got another error:
MethodError: no method matching (OptimizationFunction{true})(::typeof(loss_function), ::AutoZygote)
However, the code can run normally on another computer.
Please help me to fix it.
Thank you all.