I’m encountering an error related to using BigFloats and a callback that terminates the integrator upon certain conditions. More specifically, julia throws the following error when calling solve()
with the callback on a problem whose initial condition is of type BigFloat
Unexpected values in bisection. Please report the error in DiffEqBase.
in include_string at base/loading.jl:1088
in top-level scope at threebody.jl:160
in at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:100
in #solve#460 at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:102
in solve_up##kw at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:107
in #solve_up#461 at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:114
in solve_call##kw at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:65
in #solve_call#457 at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/solve.jl:92
in at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/solve.jl:4
in #__solve#391 at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/solve.jl:5
in solve! at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/solve.jl:429
in loopfooter! at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/integrators/integrator_utils.jl:166
in _loopfooter! at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/integrators/integrator_utils.jl:202
in handle_callbacks! at OrdinaryDiffEq/VPJBD/src/integrators/integrator_utils.jl:247
in find_first_continuous_callback at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/callbacks.jl:398
in find_callback_time at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/callbacks.jl:730
in bisection at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/callbacks.jl:581
in #bisection#410 at DiffEqBase/ypGPp/src/callbacks.jl:592
in error at base/error.jl:33
The integration succeeds when no callback is specified. The callback also performs as expected when the initial condition is Float64. The callback I am using is
import LinearAlgebra.norm
function condition(out,u,t,integrator)
out[1] = norm(u[1:2])-Rsys
out[2] = R1-norm(u[1:2]-P1)
out[3] = R2-norm(u[1:2]-P2)
function affect!(integrator, event_index)
My purposes necessitate higher precision than Float64, so I’d like to find a solution if possible. From the error message, I think the problem lies in detecting the zero crossing at high precision. Does this seem correct?