Usually when I debug code using JuliaInterpreter I can see the variables from the current scope in the workspace and I can also use them in the REPL (to evaluate certain expressions).
I wanted to run the code from: and run into some error so I decided to debug it, but the problem is whenever I want to copy paste some line in the REPL in debug mode I get UndefRefError for variables, although I can see them in the workspace.
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to generate a MWE without the need of loading the weights and cfg files for yolov3 from and
using Flux, JuliaInterpreter
in(:CuArrays, names(Main, imported = true)) && (using CuArrays; CuArrays.allowscalar(false))
# convert config String values into native Julia types
# not type safe, but not performance critical
function cfgparse(val::AbstractString)
if all(isletter, val)
return val::AbstractString
return out = occursin('.', val) ? parse(Float64, val) : parse(Int64, val)
# split config String into a key and value part
# split value into array if necessary
function cfgsplit(dat::String)
name, values = split(dat, '=')
values = split(values, ',')
k = Symbol(strip(name))
v = length(values) == 1 ? cfgparse(values[1]) : [cfgparse(v) for v in values]
return k::Symbol => v::Any
# read config file and return an array of settings
function cfgread(file::String)
data = reverse(filter(d -> length(d) > 0 && d[1] != '#', readlines(file)))
out = Array{Pair{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}, 1}(undef, 0)
settings = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
for row in data
if row[1] == '['
push!(out, Symbol(row[2:end-1]) => settings)
settings = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
push!(settings, cfgsplit(row))
return reverse(out)::Array{Pair{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}, 1}
# Read the YOLO binary weights
function readweights(bytes::IOBuffer, kern::Int, ch::Int, fl::Int, bn::Bool)
if bn
bb = reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, fl*4))
bw = reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, fl*4))
bm = reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, fl*4))
bv = reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, fl*4))
cb = zeros(Float32, fl)
cw = reshape(reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, kern*kern*ch*fl*4)), kern, kern, ch, fl)
cw = Float32.(flip(cw))
return cw, cb, bb, bw, bm, bv
cb = reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, fl*4))
cw = reshape(reinterpret(Float32, read(bytes, kern*kern*ch*fl*4)), kern, kern, ch, fl)
cw = Float32.(flip(cw))
return cw, cb, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# Use different generators depending on presence of
onegen = in(:CuArrays, names(Main, imported = true)) ? CuArrays.ones : ones
zerogen = in(:CuArrays, names(Main, imported = true)) ? CuArrays.zeros : zeros
# YOLO wants a leakyrelu with a fixed leakyness of 0.1 so we define our own
leaky(x, a = oftype(x/1, 0.1)) = max(a*x, x/1)
# Provide an array of strings and an array of colors
# so the constructor can print what it's doing as it generates the model.
prettyprint(str, col) = for (s, c) in zip(str, col) printstyled(s, color=c) end
# Flip weights to make crosscorelation kernels work using convolution filters
# This is only run once when wheights are loaded
flip(x) = x[end:-1:1, end:-1:1, :, :]
# We need a max-pool with a fixed stride of 1
function maxpools1(x, kernel = 2)
x = cat(x, x[:, end:end, :, :], dims = 2)
x = cat(x, x[end:end, :, :, :], dims = 1)
return maxpool(x, (kernel, kernel), stride = 1)
# Optimized upsampling without indexing for better performance
function upsample(a, stride)
m1, n1, o1, p1 = size(a)
ar = reshape(a, (1, m1, 1, n1, o1, p1))
b = onegen(stride, 1, stride, 1, 1, 1)
return reshape(ar .* b, (m1 * stride, n1 * stride, o1, p1))
# Use this dict to translate the config activation names to function names
const ACT = Dict(
"leaky" => leaky,
"linear" => identity
mutable struct Yolo
cfg::Dict{Symbol, Any} # This holds all settings for the model
chain::Array{Any, 1} # This holds chains of weights and functions
W::Dict{Int64, T} where T <: DenseArray # This holds arrays that the model writes to
out::Array{Dict{Symbol, Any}, 1} # This holds values and arrays needed for inference
function gen_yolo(cfgfile::String, weightfile::String, batchsize::Int = 1)
# read the config file and return [:layername => Dict(:setting => value), ...]
# the first 'layer' is not a real layer, and has overarching YOLO settings
cfgvec = cfgread(cfgfile)
cfg = cfgvec[1][2]
weightbytes = IOBuffer(read(weightfile)) # read weights file sequentially like byte stream
# these settings are populated as the network is constructed below
# some settings are re-read later for the last part of construction
maj, min, subv, im1, im2 = reinterpret(Int32, read(weightbytes, 4*5))
cfg[:version] = VersionNumber("$maj.$min.$subv")
cfg[:batchsize] = batchsize
cfg[:output] = []
ch = [cfg[:channels]] # this keeps track of channels per layer for creating convolutions
fn = Array{Any, 1}(nothing, 0) # this keeps the 'function' generated by every layer
for (blocktype, block) in cfgvec[2:end]
if blocktype == :convolutional
stack = []
kern = block[:size]
filters = block[:filters]
pad = Bool(block[:pad]) ? div(kern-1, 2) : 0
stride = block[:stride]
act = ACT[block[:activation]]
bn = haskey(block, :batch_normalize)
cw, cb, bb, bw, bm, bv = readweights(weightbytes, kern, ch[end], filters, bn)
push!(stack, (Conv(cw, cb; stride = stride, pad = pad, dilation = 1)))
bn && push!(stack, (BatchNorm(identity, Flux.param(bb), Flux.param(bw), bm, bv, 1e-5, 0.1, false)))
push!(stack, x -> act.(x))
Juno.@enter gen_yolo("yolov3.cfg","yolov3.weights",1)
For example I can paste into the REPL the variable cfgvec
and I can see its contents until I step into the for loop. Inside the for loop I get UndefRefError error if I set breakpoint at kern = block[:size]
If I advance to push!(stack, (Conv(cw, cb; stride = stride, pad = pad, dilation = 1)))
I can use the variable again in the REPL. This strange behavior happens at every iteration.
My questions are: did someone ever encounter such cases and what is special about the code above that prevents accessing local variables in the REPL in debug mode? (simple test function with for loop doesn’t have this issue)
- using Julia 1.1.1 on Windows