I defined the following function and included it in a module:
function benchmark(Mdata, F, JF, Exact, y0, β, par, H)
Bench = zeros(length(H), 2, 2)
t = zeros()
y = zeros()
t1 = zeros()
y1 = zeros()
h = 0
for i in 1:length(H)
h = H[i]
Bench[i, 1, 1] = mean(@benchmark FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par, h = h)).time * 10e-10
Bench[i, 2, 1] = mean(@benchmark FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par, J = JF, h = h)).time * 10e-10
if i >= 4
t, y = FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par, h = h)
t1, y1 = FDEsolver(F, tSpan, y0, β, par, J = JF, h = h)
Bench[i, 1, 2] = norm(y - map(Exact, t), 2)
Bench[i, 2, 2] = norm(y1 - map(Exact, t), 2)
# plot logplot of execution time
plot(H, Bench[:, :, 1], linewidth = 5, xscale = :log, yscale = :log, title = "Benchmark for Example 1", yaxis = "Time (Sc)", xaxis = "Step size", label = ["PI_PC" "PI_IM"])
plot!(H, Mdata[!, 1], linewidth = 5, xscale = :log, yscale = :log, label = "M_PI_PC")
plot!(H, Mdata[!, 2], linewidth = 5, xscale = :log, yscale = :log, label = "M_PI_IM")
# plot square norm of the error
plot(H[4:end], Bench[4:end, :, 2], yscale = :log, xscale = :log, linewidth = 5, title = "Square norm of the errors", yaxis = "Errors", xaxis = "Step size", label = ["PI_PC" "PI_IM"])
plot!(H[4:end], Mdata[4:end, 3], linewidth = 5, xscale = :log, ls = :dash, yscale = :log, label = "M_PI_PC")
plot!(H[4:end], Mdata[4:end, 4], linewidth = 5, xscale = :log, yscale = :log, ls = :dot, label = "M_PI_IM")
The relevant part is the macro @benchmark
inside the for loop. When I try to use this function, I get the error that the h
inside the macro is not defined, even though I clearly defined it and when I debug h
outside of the macro it says it is defined.
What am I doing wrong?